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Blog Comments posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Actually, I was just about to PM you asking about that, because HH asked me to recommend someone as well. Anyway, good luck! I avoided it because I hate Comedies more.


    Ho, no... I couldn't critique a comedy to save my life. I'm not funny, or very knowledgeable of that forum.


    Still... I'd like to be involved in SOME way. Any other positions aside from critique-r open?



    In the SSCC, I let critics handle lists and other stuff within the topic if they don't feel like reviewing. ;)
  2. FINALLY someone who agrees. Everyone I know is like "your mp3 player sucks because it isn't an iPod."


    The biggest problem with Itunes and the iPod is that they restrict the songs so you can't move them around and give them to people. Mine is just a folder...you click and drag the mp3's onto the device.


    However, the iPod touch is good for everything except music. Just go on the internet on it.

  3. If life is a tumbleweed, then obviously, you equal life.


    You think I'M a part of YOUR army?! Why, how dare you! All critics are part of MY army!


    If I ever become premier, my blog will be the official Julien-k fanclub. AND NO ONE WILL CARE! MWAHAHAHA!


    (evil laughter's better with the "w")

  4. I like the concept, but he's a bit short and his lower body armor is kind of strange. And a better helmet/mask might be in order.


    However, good weapon choice and I like his arm armor!


    Hey, does this mean that this year's sockets...DON'T break?!

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