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Posts posted by 2Tie

  1. Most of my mocs start out as me just putting pieces together and figuring out what to do next (though i guess i'd call them whim builds more than MOCs, little to no thought put into them). That's prolly my favourite part; a lot of these whim builds end up as torsos for my toa creations. My least favourite part has got to be when i figure out a way to do legs or arms and i finish one, but can't find the right pieces to replicate it for the other limb (or at least in the right colour).

  2. Saga-wise, i'd go for 2002 or the first two years of Ignition... As for individual comics? I really liked 07 and 08 (the Exo-Toa and Bahrag comics), comic 25 (~a flashback in a flashback~, and feels suitably dark considering it's pre-Sayger), and Ignition 10 and 11 were very well done (RIP Matoro).

    • Upvote 1
  3. That would be correct; it's just too far down for my monitor to see any of it otherwise. That's also why it's zoomed out.

    for the items though, if you're playing a standalone version, you can go into the View menu, and change it from Show All to 100%, then set the game to fullscreen. if you have the backpack, you should be able to see the unused items just to the left of the game's frame.

  4. EDIT: Guys, I just realized something...


    Mangai means Protector. Remember the Toa Mangai? Take a look a the Protectors. The Protectors are the reboot's Toa Mangai, and maybe even also the Metru. Coming soon to Bionicle... Legends of Metrokoto... coming in 2018! :P :P :P 

    ...But Mangai is the Maori word for mouth, silly!

  5. And was this game supposed to be released in 2005, meaning we'd have 2007 things that early?

    Well, VNOG (like the previous games) was very likely made in parts like the MNOGs's updates, with the first chapter hopefully being ready early enough for 2005, and the next chapters being released later (though admittedly, the only support i have for this claim is the OneMoreNight cheat to increment the Chapters variable). No idea why they decided to wait until the whole thing is finished. Dunno if relevant, but the only other games the devs had made at this point were Flash MMORPGs (does that explain fetch-quest simulator 2006? :P) so they likely were experienced with releasing their games in chunks. One thing I *do* know is that there were 23 pre-release versions of the game.

    More close to the quote, the content in later chapters was developed later (game released in fall 2006 right?), and that mahri nui image came from the very last cutscene. By then, that's probably when Lego started to give them concept material for 2007. So no, if anything the most we'd know about 2007 at the end of VNOG if it were released early would be that the Mask of Life somehow found its way into the ocean, which is pretty much the only thing the final game reveals anyway.

  6. Also, "Glatorian" is just a title, and we don't know the actual name of the "Glatorian" species.

    A while back, after reading through a few BS01 articles, I was under the impression that they were more powerful Agori... The Elemental Lords were Agori augmented by the Great Beings, the Glatorian are the chosen defenders of the other Agori and augmented with better parts that the tribes had found?
  7. Heaven is Artakha, and the GSR is nothing if not epic in scale. Admittedly, spirituality is something TLG wouldn't touch. Too much baggage.

    Weeellllll back in the early days of 2001, Papu and Rangi were the two gods that watched over the tohunga (and one reference to this still exists, tucked away in MNOG), though while they may have considered the idea in the past, I doubt they'd try it with '15. That'd be asking for trouble, nowadays.

    • Upvote 3
  8. There is a prototype Hahli in some of the special attack files:

    She appears to be holding a squid launcher, and she has tubes like her mahri counterpart, however if you compare her (especially the head) to this prototype Hahli Inika image:


    I think we can agree it's actually prototype hahli inika.

    as for any barraki, they aren't declared with the rest of the enemies in the code, nor have i seen any graphics related to them, and trust me, i've searched.
    There IS, however, an image of Mahri Nui in the final cutscene... completely hidden underneath all of the final graphics:


    Hope that clears up stuff. I've been compiling all the unused stuff/debug stuff in VNOG for about a month now, the article for it should be up soon.

    • Upvote 7

     It's an unfortunate side-effect of our computers running faster, things like cutscenes (Kopaka VS Muaka) and minigames (fighting the Rama swarm) sometimes run so fast that the game doesn't have time to show/play what was intended. :(

    It's tangential to the topic at hand, but you might like to know that CheatEngine can be used to alter the speed MNOG runs at. Someone else suggested .86 speed (where 1 is default), and it has worked excellently for me.


    Huh, I'm surprised that didn't come to mind, thanks!


    back on track:

    I don't think these have ever been mentioned before, but there are three unused items in the game. The code for save/load doesn't check for or save them, but they're in the coding for the player and the backpack nonetheless:


    Biodermis, Mahi building plans, and discs. more information is in the article, just mentioning it here so you guys know.


    Speaking of Biodermis, there actually IS a functioning doorway that brings you into the hut, as long as you haven't completed the lava puzzle yet:



    Oh, and that first picture in the thread with the search party? Here's a "normal" version of it, accessible by visiting the same map but with the OnukoroRats flag set to 1 in a save file:



    Those darn rats...

    • Upvote 2
  10. In testing a couple things for the most recent update for the article, I ended up sitting through the cutscene where Taipu mines through to Le-Wahi, and I can say with certainty that I heard the start of the jingle that The Fifth Spoilers recorded and linked, before it was cut off by the scene change. It's an unfortunate side-effect of our computers running faster, things like cutscenes (Kopaka VS Muaka) and minigames (fighting the Rama swarm) sometimes run so fast that the game doesn't have time to show/play what was intended. :(

    However, whereas Episode 6-1.swf is used and does in fact use the jingle, Episode 5-7.swf (the same cutscene with no audio, except for a miner hitting a rock at the end) is NOT used, at least not anymore.

  11. In all honesty I like the Garai and the Olmak, they may be a little large and designed busily/oddly, but I don't think they're THAT bad...
    The Kanohi Nuva are a tad oversized though, I found them to fall off/be knocked off a bit easier than their predecessors. The plastic they were made with is a little strange, too... Their designs were decent, though. A good early attempt at organic-*looking* masks.

    A close friend of mine never liked how much the Vahi reveals of faces, but I don't mind it. Outside of the canon, it is a nice piece of history that serves as a nice reminder that Kanohi are, after all, masks.

    I didn't like much of the adaptive kanohi's forms in general. bah.

    If we can nitpick about colour, I don't like how highlighter-orange Pohatu's Kaukau looks in all pictures I've seen of it...


    and if we can nitpick face-coverings in general, i think both Maxilos's helmet and the Piraka faces could've been designed better... fer Maxilos, get rid of the thee extrusions and flesh out the bottom a bit, and as for the Piraka, like, make the face one piece, with the spines attaching to the back of it in some way, like an axlehole or something. I'm glad they seemed to learn from them though, imagine if the Toa Mahri's tubes were part of their masks!

    • Upvote 2
  12. Inika heads can probably be placed right onto Mata bodies if you use a longer neck pin, but it you want Inika-style posable head, I'd probably recommend this kind of piece in place of the black part used under the neck axle, though depending on which way you put it in, the ability to function as a gearbox is crippled.

    Inika onto a CBBS system? Probably can use the same piece I linked above, except flipped around so the socket fits on the CBBS neck, and the axle socket is connected to the Inika head by a 2-length axle.

  13. Umbra. He was simply a character used as an obstacle for the Toa Inika when they were going down the stairway to obtain the Ignika. I thought he could've been a really interesting character if given more time in the story, but he was forgotten as soon as the Inika knocked him out. 


    Keetongu, for the same reasons Ballom mentioned.


    Bara Magna characters like Perditus and Atakus. Sometime I forget that some of them were in the story at all.


    Lesovikk. I feel that his character could've been expanded upon more than it was. Of course, he did appear in The Powers That Be serial. But we all know how that turned out. I just feel that he could've gotten more story time other than one serial and cameo in another. (I know he was in Dark Mirror, but that was an alternate version of him, so I don't count him in that.)

    precisely my thoughts coming into the thread. Lesovikk is one of my favourite characters in the series after Matoro, but the fact that he and Keetongu and Umbra were titan sets that were pretty much only included in passing (especially the last two being very powerful and mythical) makes it unfortunate that they were regulated to little more than plot devices. Heck, Keetongu PUNCHES HIS WAY UP THE COLISEUM to deliver a punch to Sidorak. :c

    • Upvote 2
  14. The Rahi Master Builder set! I want another parts pack that can be built in numerous ways. :) That was an awesome concept, wish they did more of that - Not just tubs, but a kit with instructions for different species. 



    Oooooh yesyesyes, I would really like LEGO to just, release a kit that has a ton of pieces in a variety of colours and are usable by themselves, would help dearly for someone who dabbles in MOCs but is at a disadvantage for Gen2 due to skipping over HF >.>

    • Upvote 5
  15. Some things that really made MNOG stand out for me (more than MNOG2, at least) was the first person perspective combined with the sense of mystery with the then-new island. You were exploring, discovering, there was a sense of mystery most of the time, and you felt like you were really there, exploring. Having a third-person character that you have to wait for them to walk around is rather tedious, and kind of pulled me out of it. Character customization is nice, but letting ME be the main character is better IMO.

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