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Posts posted by Ziko

  1. Well, with initial question here was answered, it's time for this topic to go. Space Marine, here is a somewhat more recent update from Greg about the lack of story updates; you can post any other questions you have about that subject in that topic as well.Topic closed.

  2. The forum software will remove accounts made from the same IP address as another, thinking they're duplicate accounts. You can PM Black Six and explain the situation to get an account approved for your sister.

  3. Well, I've been writing this for a while, so I'm going to go ahead and post it. =PTo answer the topic's question, I don't really have a preference between hand-drawn and sprite comics. I can read either type and like the comic if they're executed well.As for the real "what do you think of sprite comics" topic, I'd have to say that I don't see any problems with them. Sure, not all of them are funny, even if they're trying to be, and many of them aren't graphic masterpieces by any stretch. However, there's also not malicious, and they don't actively try to steal people's attention away from comics made with other mediums. I think people generalize too much, and even if they go into AIII on one day and look at comics from a bunch of different topics, I don't think they have the full idea of what's in the forum.Naturally, there are people that use sprites because they're "easy." I don't know how many people that is, but it's not important to me. To me, people make sprite comics because they enjoy doing so (at least, I would think so--I know I did), and they post them to display their work; I think it's great that those people found an activity they enjoy and have somewhere like BZP's Comics forum as a place to show their work.With that in mind, I don't like it when people go around saying sprite comics should be banned from the site. People [for the most part] come here to have fun, and if that fun involves posting sprite comics that don't break any of the site's rules, I don't see why they should not be allowed to do so.As for the idea that hand-drawn comics get less attention than sprite comics, I think that's probably true. I don't believe that the cause is people thinking that sprite comics are "better," though, and I don't think people mean any disrespect. I think certain sprite comics garner more attention because they've amassed a group of people who like the series and post in those topics. They're not purposely ignoring other comics; they just have a habit of reading certain things. I've hear of similar situations in other creative forums--topics by some members get more attention because they're more "popular" or considered "better" for whatever reasons. There's a similar dynamic in Comics, although it involves different members and groups.Incidentally, I do believe the assertion that large amounts of effort can, and often do, go into sprite comics, perhaps more effort than some believe. I also don't think that using any particular medium automatically makes a comic funnier. However, since both of those have been discussed and probably articulated by other better than I could have, I'll just leave my thoughts there.Anyway, as a summary, I feel that the comic makers on BZP should make their comics in whatever way they want and enjoy.

  4. Where would I find the RZ kit?

    Here is the basic RZ Revolutions kit; that's usually what people are looking for.Please take any further discussion about guest starring to PM.
  5. Ah, I misinterpreted part of your first post; I thought you were saying that the EP was a the part of the camouflage system that, well, did the camouflaging, and I based my post on that. Sorry about the misunderstanding (this is why I don't make these types of posts much =P).With that clarified and the initial question answered, I'll close this.

  6. Could you clarify the term "E.P. Leak"? As far as I'm aware, energized protodermis did not leak from the robot to the surrounding areas. The energized protodermis was a part of the camouflage system, probably as a energy source, but the robot did not leak EP to the environment when activating the camouflage.

    The Entergized Protodermis wasn't necessarily a part of the camouflage system, or at least it was implied that it wasn't (here on the archives).Anyway, it has been said other times that the Great Cataclysm caused energized protodermis to leak out and create the plant life on the island. From BS01:

    [Mata Nui's] old body was equipped with a camouflage system that instantly engaged whenever he landed to observe a place. This produced an island which hid the true nature of his face. When he crash landed, the system was damaged, and Energized Protodermis leaked out, creating flora which covered the island.

  7. I got the link to what's left of the Orient Expedition site recently, and putting it into a web archive, I got to the comic page here. Not all of the comics are accessible just by clicking the comic links, though; you'll need to try different dates (with the bar at the top of the page) to see if you can access more of them.

  8. Your browser probably has the previous version cached. You'll need to clear it (through your broswers settings or Ctrl+F5) if you want to immediately see your new avatar.Also, in the future, please post any image-related questions you have in this topic. =)

  9. EDIT: No pic. Not sure why. Ah well.

    The abbreviated form of "modification" that you used as a folder name is filtered into "moderator" (it's a rather outdated filter made to remove references to another forum); you'll need to use a different folder name for the URL to work. =)
  10. Since all of the images appear to be broken, I'm going to close this. If/when you repost this topic, please keep this rule in mind:

    Card game topics belong in Games & Trivia. If you make a General Artwork topic to display the card artwork itself, comments in that topic may only be artwork-related, not playing the card game itself. (And by contrast, a card game topic in G&T is for playing the game, not to review the artistry of the cards.)

    As it is now, this topic seems more focused on the rules of the game, but card game topics should be focused on the artwork. Also, if you're going to have a card topic here, the art used in the cards should be something that you could post without adding to it with the card-making site, so there will be something art-related to discuss in the topic.Topic closed.
  11. Games & Trivia Classifieds

    What Is This?

    This topic is a reworking of the "Premier Helpers for Games" topic of old. However, instead of Premier Members volunteering their topic-posting services, the members seeking a topic will request help here. The idea is that the Premier Members will have a greater interest in the games and will be more likely to participate.

    Please note that you do not have to use this topic if you want to start a game. You may still PM a Premier Member to request a topic, or start your own topic if you are Premier.

    What Do I Do?

    Prospective Hosts


    If you're looking for someone to post a topic in this forum for you, just post here and provide the following information:

    • A description of the game you want to host: This can be as detailed as you like, but it should at least give others the general idea of what you want to do
    • How involved the Premier Member will need to be: Specifically state what the Premier Member will need to do--will this member just post the topic, serve as a co-host, or something else?

    Once the game topic has been posted, please report both your post and the response post; they will be deleted in order to assure that any unfilled requests are visible.


    Premier Members


    If there's a game concept that you like, quote the post of the game topic you will post and make a claim. Then, PM the member who made the initial post to iron out the details, such as the topic title. Please take the time to confirm everything with the game's host before posting his or her topic.


    Thanks for reading! We hope you all enjoy your time in G&T!

  12. Cederak is right; Takanuva having the Power Lance in Journey of Takanuva is just artistic license.Here's a quote about that from this post in the archives:

    You said that JOT takes place before The Kingdom, but Takanuva has his power lance in the story. Does this mean that it takes place after TK?

    Yeah, that's case of author's license on my part -- basically, I don't expect the same audience that reads The Kingdom to read JOT, since JOT is for 5 year olds, so I didn't worry too much about maintaining continuity between those stories. TK in JOT had to match the 2008 product.
    Also, here's a quote about the order of all three (from this archive post):

    4.A. The order is kingdom, journey of taka, ane then DM, right?

    No. It's JOT, Kingdom, then DM

    So the order did come from Greg. With that in order, there's not much left to discuss here, so I'll close this topic.
  13. I've gone through quite a few avatars. I used to change my avatar with name changes, and then I just started changing it on a whim; in recent times, I've wanted to stick with one av for a while, but that hasn't really worked out. I always find something else that I want to use.Anyway, let's see how many old avatars I can dig up.Kongu sprite- This was my first avatar, which I ordered from a shop when I first started using BZPower as "Kongu11."Plushie Kongu- Made with the Plushie Generator, which was one of the coolest things I had seen on the internet at the time.Santa hat plushie Kongu- Another Plushie Generator image, this time edited in Paint to be Christmas-themed.Stick Kongu- I really liked the Bionistick kit, so I made an avatar with it (conveniently provided in the spritesheets was a box to make an avatar in =P). I was actually very happy with that backgorund.Yoshi art the first- Yoshi character art from Yoshi Topsy Turvy (which I've never actually played). I used this while I was "The Great Yoshi." I made this (and the next one) with GIMP before I really knew how to use the program, so the cutting isn't good and the background is simple. Not an altogether bad avatar, though.Yoshi art the second- Used while I was "The Arctic Yoshi", this one was from Yoshi's Island DS. Like the one before, the cutting is bad, but it's not too visible.Yoshi sprite- I made this one when I used the name "Snow Yoshi"; the white pixels were meant to be snow, I suppose.Freezie- I think I might have used the name "Freezie" just to use this avatar; I actually forgot that I used that name, and to be honest I wish I still didn't remember. Around this time I didn't have a common username to use, so I just flipped around with whatever came to mind. The avatar is justMy worst username ("Koko: the Yoshi Guy"-what was I thinking?) doesn't seem to have an avatar associated with it anywhere. I might have gone back to one of those older Yoshi avatars for that.King Dedede sprite- Just a sprite of King Dedede on a white background that I used while I was "King Dedede" (surprising, no?). Not much to see, and since I made something like five posts while I had this name, it's probably the least worthwhile avatar I've used.Banana- This went with the name "Banana Split." It was made by editing clip-art in Word, a practice which just about every school I've been to has worked into their computer classes.Around this time, I went inactive for a while. Interestingly, that was around the time that BZP had one of its longer downtimes, but I was only half aware of it because I seldom tried to access the forums. Eventually I came back, though, and I started changing my avatar more.Pineapple-The first av I used as "The Tropical Fruit," made in the same way as the banana av.Waving sprite- While I was "The Tropical Fruit," I changed the sprite that I used in comics, and when I changed my name to "Ziko," I made this avatar with it. It's one of my earlier gifs, as you can probably tell by the shaking; it's supposed to be waving.Color-changing sprite- I stuck my sprite form into some sort of online image editor and got this. Kind of interesting.Kermit the Frog- I used this one for over a year, the longest I've used an avatar while staying active. It's a pretty fun av, and it's one of those that people would bring up in avatar-centric topics. I still like this, but I wouldn't be able to use it now because photo thumbnails aren't animated.Mr. Poe- An illustration of Mr. Poe from A Series of Unfortunate Events. I wanted a black and white avatar, and I liked the look of this particular image.Dressed-up Hobbes- From a Calvin and Hobbes Sunday comic which shows the pair getting ready to go out to eat. The av is from the last panel where they're actually in the restaurant with Calvin's parents.Tiger Calvin- This is the last avatar I used on the old forums, which is from the Calvin and Hobbes story arc where Calvin is transmogrified into a tiger.At this point, the forum went down for the upgrade. I used a larger version of the Tiger Calvin avatar while the forum was offline, but I eventually couldn't use it because it wasn't big enough to change my profile picture (that problem's been fixed, but there have been other avs to use since). I also started uploading avatars that weren't squares so my profile picture would be slightly different than my in-forum avatar.Sanctum guard- One of the sanctum guards from MNOLG. This is the avatar I used when the forums first came back, but I didn't post much during that time.Bowser Jr.- This is a screenshot from a Super Mario Sunshine cutscene. I felt like using an avatar from the game, and this one stood out.Le-Wahi- This is also from MNOLG; I liked how it looked, and I wanted to use an avatar that wasn't a picture of a specific character.Scooby in disguise- From the Scooby-Doo: Where Are You! episode "Which Witch is Which," when Scooby and Shaggy are trying to hide from a zombie.Lucy's psychiatric booth- I used this for the name "Pantophobia," since the first thing I thought of that related to the word was the Peanuts scene.The 10,000 Volt Ghost- From "Watt a Shocking Ghost," an episode of The Scooby-Doo Show, which I used while my name was "The 10 000 Volt Ghost" (surprise, surprise). I liked this one, so I kept it when my name was changed back to "Ziko."And there you have it--my avatar history. Being the indecisive person that I am, I've uploaded several other avatars to majhost over the years, but I either never used them or only used them for a few minutes while I was thinking about avatar changes. However, I doubt anyone is interested in seeing all of those (or even the stuff I posted), so I'll leave this post with the main ones. =P...Well that was interesting.

  14. It's a search engine bot, which goes through web pages and indexes them in order to keep search results up-to-date. The forum software recognizes bots by their IP address, and it shows them as 'users' on the online list.

  15. Personally, I think it's easier to use BBCode, but that's just me. =PTo make an image a link with the Rich Text Editor, you need to put the image in first with the image button. After that, highlight the image, click the link button, and paste in the URL you want the image to link to. The URL that the link prompt asks for is the destination for the link, not necessarily what is being linked; whatever you highlight before clicking the button should be made into a link.Also, in the future, please remember to check the Compendium for answers to your questions; this one was answered in this post (the BBCode you'd use is there as well). Also, any image-related questions you have should go in this topic. =)

  16. This is another archived topic that might be useful to you. It's not an exhaustive list, either, but it has a good number of pieces there. Some of the pieces there aren't really prototypes, and they're named as such in some replies (like Sumiki's and Sidorak's).This topic (also archived) has pictures of a lot of protoypes up to 2005 as well, but they're not just sets/pieces.

  17. Your posts in the Creative Outlet have been being deleted because they've been generic posts, which count as spam. Replies to artwork topics should give some sort of feedback specific to the material (it doesn't have to be in-depth, just something that couldn't be posted in any topic).The triple post of your art topic was another matter. Usually that happens when someone double clicks the post button or go backs and posts after an error message (usually posts go through even with errors). Regardless, the duplicates should be taken care of soon.

  18. I'm sorry, but you need to have a comic to post in order to make a topic in this forum. This would be better suited for a blog entry; however, only Premier Members can make those. Something you could try, though, is PMing bonesiii for permission to make a topic about this in Lego Discussion. There's a change that you could post about this there (it's not guaranteed, though).Anyway, since there aren't any completed comics here, I'm going to have to close the topic.

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