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Status Updates posted by perplexingScorch

  1. Well, that place is closed now. But when it returns, I'll post.

  2. You done with that internet browser av yet?

  3. It's Axle 4-12, not Axle-412.

  4. Commenting in progress...

  5. That goes the same with me.

  6. Fhqwhgads, eh? You seem like a worthy fan of SB! Come check out Project Homestar!

  7. Yeah, listen to Haku.

  8. Welcome to BZP! You can count on me! Cool, that rhymes! Really, you can come to me if you have a question.

  9. Haku: The name's 8. Lorax 8.

  10. CKS: Yeah, I'm a lot more sane now, but my friends at school still think of my as peanut-for brains. :(

  11. Yeah, I've got all the stuff set up. I just need a few comics and I can start Operation: C.O.M.I.C.S.

  12. Welcome to BZP! If you have Q's, I got the A's!

  13. Hey, if your favorite kit is Vortex, mine too!

  14. I don't, either. Mine was combined with red. Ugh.

  15. Welcome to BZPower.net!"It's Dot Com"

  16. Hey! Welcome! To! Bzpower.net! Wait, it's .com...

  17. Hey, can you give me a Chimoru Omega spritesheet of you?

  18. Your welcome, Gavla.

  19. Hola. I don't have a Maj account.O_o

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