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Master Inika

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Status Updates posted by Master Inika

  1. Your new pfp is even cuter than before!

  2. 'Cuz Friday's awesome. BTW, are you willing ot trade anything for the Midhiki, Tehutii, Keerakh, or Borhadk's Kanoka? I also need Gahlok Va's purple Krana. I have weapons ot trade.

  3. *Pokes Turakii, then puts on poke-proof vest* What you gonna do now?

  4. After three days of being 21 years old, I still just want to sit in a room and play World Builder and Junkbot.

  5. all your animals dies? that's sad.

  6. Aloha dude! Hey, you've got a disk I'm interested in trading. It's Vakama's Toa Disk. In exchange, I will give you fifty cents.

  7. Aloha dude! Thanks for the comment on TDTBCTL. PS: All comedies have to be 300 words or longer.

  8. Aloha Gata! What's up?

  9. Aloha Hahli Husky! Just wanted to say, AWESOME SS contest! I've never entered a writing contest before.

  10. Aloha ToM! How are ya? Been awhile. BTW, is ToM Dracone your real name?

  11. Aloha ToM! What'sup?

  12. Aloha Turakii! I just finished a new short story, "The First Time Hewkii Met Macku". Read it. I think you'll like it.

  13. Aloha Turakii! I start acting camp tomorrow. It's called Interact. You should look it up, you'd make a great counselor.

  14. Aloha! In "Master Inika's Comedie Library!", can you change the "Comedie" to "Comedy"? Could've sworn I had it changed before. The Surver Burp must of changed it back.

  15. Aloha! Nice personal pic.

  16. Also, the new episode of Matoran go to School with you in it is up. Kopeke falls in love with you!

  17. Am I the only one to whom nostalgia stretches time out for? What I'm referring to specifically is thinking of the pre-downtime BZP forums as the normal BZP, and the post-downtime forums as something still unfamiliar that I still need to adjust to, even though I was actually only on the old forums for about three years, but I've been on the new forums for at least four years. It certainly doesn't feel like I've spent more time on the new forums, I just associate such a strong c...

    1. CeeCee


      Yeah. I notice people who live in dying towns tend to look back when it was booming, choosing to not look at the mess it has become.

  18. Aw man. You got me. I'll be back... And I'll have my glomp-proof vest, too!

  19. Aw snap you got long interests. I wonder... write all the interests you could possibly have and PM it to me. If you have to many to fit in one PM, PM me as much as you need(Although I might lose interests past PM #70).

  20. Awesome! I knew there was a reason I hired you. And if you do good, you might get paid! Or not. Probably not. Okay, I can assure you that you will not get paid.

  21. Awesome! Now, Vorox is my favorite.

  22. Awesome. I just posted Ask Sam and Taylor in the CoT forum and made a new one called Stacy and Caleb Own a Hotel. All characters are people I know from school. :)

  23. blackouTT, it is not dead and it won't let me PM either!

  24. can you PM me when your next comedie comes?

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