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Master Inika

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Status Updates posted by Master Inika

  1. Hey Turakii. They just came out with a new product: Glomp-Away! Just apply twice a day to drive away any unwanted Grab Latch-On Maintain Pressure hugs! HA!

  2. I have Asperger's Syndrome, yes, but I do not believe AS should be so closely tied in with Autism. Oh, and no, I do not live in Texas. Florida native, man.

  3. Hello, I was just reading your closed Autism and Asperger's topic. Which one was it you have, Autism or Aspergers? I am very much Aspergian and am always looking for more like me.

  4. Hey, I read a quote from you in the OGD about female Skrall classes. I think he misunderstood your question, for the way you worded it made it hard to tell if he meant "No, there are different female classes" or "No, all female Skrall are of the same class." You should resend it and word it differently.

  5. New BIONICLE Stars' Hotel is up.

  6. Hey man. Thanks for the comment on Bionicle Stars' Hotel. I don't think I can PM you whenever I make a new episode, but I will be stopping the series on episode 20.

  7. Sorry, hah. Remind me whuch comedy it was again? BTW, Merry Christmas!

  8. I got 2000 posts in two years. I think that gets close to what you're sig said.

  9. 'Cuz Friday's awesome. BTW, are you willing ot trade anything for the Midhiki, Tehutii, Keerakh, or Borhadk's Kanoka? I also need Gahlok Va's purple Krana. I have weapons ot trade.

  10. Pretty good, thank. I declared Friday as a national holiday.

  11. Hi there! Happy Birthday! I was just going around withing people happy birthdays, and your name "Icelcaw" sounded really cool. I read your interests section and I like Sci-Fi, Art, God, and You-Know-Where-Tube, too!

  12. I admire your new quote. LP4Evah.

  13. Good to see you're seventeen again. Got your hands on a Mask of Aging, did you? Anyways, our radio show got no posts. I as hoping you could write the first version this time.

  14. I just found the Autumn Olympics topic! I'm totally entering Event Three. Oh yeah, I know you can' tsay EXACTLY what th eprizes are, but are they, like, rare parts or sets?

  15. Hey man, welcome to my little circle of pals. Hey, you are aware you posted all your topics twice, right?

  16. It's me again! I read your post in "Lewa." You pronounce it lay-wah? I pronounce it lee-wah.

  17. He also says "YAAAAAH!" in the movie.

  18. You know, Vastus has more lines than "I agree, speak Ackar." He also says "Four to one? Didn't I teach you better? It's only fair if it's six to one." when training Gresh.

  19. Hey dude. I heard most of your collection was given away. Can you tell me who they were given to? We might be able to get them back if they were, say, at a Consignment shop or something.

  20. Hey, whoever said your minis were wrong was WAY WRONG. They are AMAZING.

  21. Awesome. I just posted Ask Sam and Taylor in the CoT forum and made a new one called Stacy and Caleb Own a Hotel. All characters are people I know from school. :)

  22. Larkdasha, that's who I remember you as! Thank you. So, how's life?

  23. Hi AON. I read a post from you asking about quoting posts. You press the "reply" button under the post you want to quote.

  24. You write a story about the Core War.

  25. i'm entering BS01's contest.

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