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Everything posted by Khols

  1. Wait til' I tell The Group about this!

  2. Wait, you're leaving?

  3. I like trains.

  4. Oh, that's just G-Man.

  5. Tohu has that effect on people.

  6. I don't really get what this entry is supposed to mean.
  7. Khols

    Still Alive

    The song never really gets old to me. Considering I listened to it 3 hours in a row, that statement is 100% fact.
  8. How the heck do you think I am British.

  9. Therefore, I live in America and am unfortunately American.

  10. I keep on saying I live in America.

  11. My profile says I live in America.

  12. Yes yes what is it I'm in the middle of a critical test.

  13. Khols

    How Did We Lose?

    I don't get what this is about. I understand it's TF2 related, but what is it?
  14. 1: What is your favorite gift that you're giving to someone? "Give"? I do not understand the meaning of that word. 2: What's your favorite part of Christmas? Getting presents, of course! 3: What gift do you hope to receive? A Visa Gift Card so I can get Garry's M-o-d. 4: Who, what, when, where, why? All of these are BULL HONKEY. 5: If so, how? Bergenfield.
  15. They are from SCIENCE and OUTER SPACE. No wait that's the Combine.
  16. Khols


    Hey I posted this first.
  17. Fatso's (the cat) owner did control him kinda when he made him do that. I'm not sure of the mechanics though.
  18. There's a SHEPARD'S MIND? Where was I when this happened and why was I not informed of it.
  19. So are these actual entries or are you just pretending this is what he writes in it during the events of Opposing Force?
  20. Khols

    Schmogstag Boovre

    1: What movie do you really want to see right now? Zombieland. 2: How's your Christmas shopping going? :uh: 3: Is The Office awesome? Yes or yes. Biradirdegargle 4: 24 SEASON 8 NEXT MONTH BABY Needs moar pandas in jumpsuits. 5: Price check on a schmargle biscuit. IDK my BFF Jill.
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