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Blog Entries posted by JINZONINGEN 73

    Bootleg Toy Spotlight 1 - Transmogrifiers "Starholler"

    Lol. Ok, so it's obviously a Transformers toy that's been scaled down greatly to the point it barely moves at all lol. It's name is clearly a pun on "Starscream", but that's just silly... Starscream was never a helicopter!
    The arms don't move upwards, so his gun has to aim diagonally if he's standing.

    The paint jobs on the other few there were TERRIBLE, this was the best.

    I know there's at least two others in the series, one being Galaxy Megatron knockoff. There could be a lot more, if "B6" on the front of the card actually means something.
    They were initially sold at A-Plus mini markets, but I got this guy for $1.99 at a discount outlet near Selingsgrove, PA.
    One sees toys like this and they just want to cry. I mean, the plastic used in it's production could have been turned into something useful, like a few sporks or a part to a much cooler toy.
    You HAVE to read the back of the card... it's better than the toy itself and the sole reason I bought this stupid thing, PERIOD.
    You can tell someone who keeps up on the franchise wrote this, as well as adding humor in in regards to the fact they're bootlegs (Substandrotron lol). Whoever it was, they're awesome lol.

    Allow me to translate it's bled-over, way too bold printing:
    For centuries war raged on the distant world of Substandrotron, a planet of living machines. The
    machine society was divided into two diametrically opposed camps: The heroic Virtuobots and the evil Decievocons.
    When Ubertron, undisputed leader of the Decievocons gained control of the BigSpark, he used its raw power to destroy Substandrotron, scattering both the Virtuobots and Decievocons across the universe.
    In search of a new home, Positivus Prime, leader of the noble Virtuobots located a remote planet called Earth. However, Ultratron and his wicked Decievocons army followed, thus continuing the war here on Earth...
    Wait a minute... Ultratron? I thought they just said he was Ubertron lol.
    In any case, it's great suff lol.
    Notice also this is made by "hot ZONE", the same company who makes most of the toys sold at Turkey Hill mini marts.
    Yes, the same guys who made bootlegs of Sidorak, Keetongu and Roodaka.
    You know what you never see photoshopped? Real-life anime people.
    You have humans dressing up as anime characters.
    You have humans with human bodies and giant anime head masks on.
    But there's no photoshops of anime characters in like real lighting situations or with realistic skin draped over a 3D model?
    It's hardly like there wouldn't be a demand for such strangeness. I mean look at the internet. Just LOOK at it.
    If it exists, somebody has a fetish for it.
    But where are they? People do amazing works of art based on their favorite characters from anime and games...
    ...but the most obvious form to bring them closer into their reality is overlooked? Huh? What?

    ...but from anime. How can this not be a rampant fad on the internet yet?!? Aren't there more like these?
    I never particularly liked books... maybe back when I was in elementary lol.
    Books are usually terribly boring.
    You read 100 pages in only to find either the author is actually a numbskull or that the book is clearly not getting any better.
    Visual and audio media is always SO much faster. When something sucks, you haven't wasted a whole day on it.
    Well, I found a book that has me stuck to it.
    Better yet, it's online and free, as the author is just trying to spread knowledge and common sense as a balance to all the corruption and repression perpetrated against, well, pretty much most of humanity.
    The book is Earth's Forbidden Secrets by Maxwell Igan
    Long story short, he gives examples (accompanied by pictures) of things that have been unearthed which TOTALLY blow human history as we know it into the water.
    Stuff like 500,000 year old rocks with man-made items embedded inside them, maps that have latitude and longitude LOOOOONG before such things were supposed to exist...
    He goes into how the creation of the pyramids have been credited to people that were known in the news back then to be false... yet due to politics in the scientific community, lies have become something fiercely defended.
    There's even rocks shown with accurate depictions of the continents, people riding giant birds and dinosaurs (at a time when man wasn't supposed to KNOW about dinosaurs).
    Even more, in some places of the world you have dinosaur bones... but then a few feet UNDER them you have... cobblestone roads?
    WHAT? Roads UNDER dinosaur fossils? lol
    You have fossilized human remains before man was supposedly present.
    You have a fossilized shoe print (no, not a footprint, a SHOE print) that has apparently STEPPED on a living trilobite at the time.
    Here's a fun one... we ALREADY know and science has accepted that the Egyptians had made batteries, jars filled with specific acids and metal columns... but what for?
    Ah, well they needed light inside the dark pyramids, did they not?
    Well, what the heck do you think those big, giant glass-lookin' tubes found on hieroglyphics are?!? I mean heck, they even depict wires running over to the batteries lol!

    Right... so much of what we're taught about human history seems to be false.
    But why would scientists not want to get to the "truth" of our world? Isn't that what science is about?
    Well yes, it is. And yes, some scientists DO want to investigate things further.
    But scientists are people too. Just as there's corruption in every human institution, the scientific academia is no exception.
    People whose entire careers, their entire schools, their entire museums that is their livelihood... don't like change.
    It automatically invalidates who and what they've studied to be, mostly.
    Maybe there's even crazier reasons... like people in high places CAN'T let people know the truth about our history or they lose power.
    In any case, it's dang good reading, despite spelling mistakes I pick up where you can tell the author is getting into what he's talking about.
    And really, only being 1/3 of the way through, it's CLEAR that a lot of what we're taught in textbooks about who we are and where we came from (and possibly where we're going) is quite a bit of poopoo.
    So yeah... I'll be off a day or two from here digesting all this. It's actually THAT exciting.
    Yesterday... a different site:

    Eheh... I ask you, does this look ANYTHING like a gun for BBC #52?

    No, no it does not.
    Can't complain though. Getting sidetracked one night and creating something COMPLETELY WRONG is oodles better than procrastinating and doing nothing at all.
    One minute I'm going through bins looking for parts, next minute I'm segregating minifig parts, then... I build a base for them to hang around in.
    On a good note, if I can do THAT in one night by "accident", then maybe one of the remaining nights I'll actually do a gun.
    Now... to recreate the same mocing conditions and try again... hand-rolled menthol cigarettes... a few pots of coffee... and a marathon of uncensored, fan-restored, "lost" Beavis and Butthead episodes.
    On to season 3! : D
    I've been gone months now, still not technically back online.
    I'm commandeering this comp to plop this down before time obscures the memory...
    OK... it was late July 3rd, 2009.
    My wife got the (erroneously) brilliant idea that the fireworks stand up in Walmart's parking lot would be discounting things half price once the date turned to the 4th, to get rid of stock fast.
    We got there before midnight only to find no such luck. (D-duh!)
    We got along with the chick running the tent as she was just happy that SOMEONE showed up to bring in cash to fulfill her (too) lofty profit goals.
    While there, the power died and me and the friend with us ran up the hill to refill/restart her generator.
    After that, she got on religion and spent many minutes trying to convince me I "needed Jesus" to be happy while I was trying to convince her you don't need a god to be happy but aaaaaaaaanyway it was getting late and we decided to go.
    The next thing that happened was most interesting.
    Ghosts and psychic events have been a pretty "present" thing in my life since before I could talk... but UFOs? No.
    I saw a strange thing in the sky once or twice but never anything I'd call a UFO.
    A few very, very short moments after pulling out of the Coal Township Walmart's parking lot, we started going home on route 61, talking about the chick we just met fresh on our lips and keeping our minds alert.
    So, right as we were coming up over the next hill, I saw a motorcycle heading towards the plumbing outlet on the other side of the street.
    It had a headlight that was annoying... one of those ones that are mad brighter than the regular oldskool, yellower headlights.
    Then I noticed that I heard nothing.
    I stopped our friend in mid-sentence, pointed and said, "Now THAT'S cool.. It's like one of those electric motorcycles or something... the ones coming out where there's no engine noise and they sneak up on ya'."
    But it was wrong.
    We were all looking over at it, yet the back of my head was screaming, "DUDE... that's just a headlight. There is NO CYCLE attached!"
    And it was right. It WAS just a ball of light, following the road as a vehicle would and at an intensity only so much larger than an actual headlight.
    Not believing my own mind, I just kept watching it, at which point the light flickered a millisecond before returning to normal.
    I blurted out, "Ha! Looks like that guy has a loose wire to the headlight lol." However, I did that to keep both my passengers looking in it's direction with me, as it was sinking in that something really funky was going on.
    The light passed under the streetlamp in front of the plumbing supply store... I WAS RIGHT. THERE WAS NO MOTORCYCLE BEHIND IT.
    We were all so close to it, I actually started turning my neck muscles to get a good look as it as it passed.
    I yelled, "Oh my god, look at it, look at it!"
    At that moment, with all three of us watching, it instead veered off and when into the woods. No, not down the ravine, just... "into" the trees at the same level the street was, where it then vanished.
    I had slowed down prior to this in order to see it better, but resumed the speed limit in silence.
    I looked over at the other two and they're just like frozen with astonished faces.
    I was then like the chick in Blair Witch Project, going, "Did you just ******* see that?!? DID YOU JUST ******* SEE THAT!?! What the heck DOES that?!?" ...just not as annoying or terrified as her. (lol) It was actually kind of somehow funny, what we just saw.
    Unanimously, we all agreed "UFO". Going back to see if the grass or trees had been parted, like if a cycle had gone over it would have been pointless, as the thing, quite clearly, quite closely to our Dodge Caravan, had DEFINITELY not gone downwards but straight into the trees.
    (Just to be anal, the time on the clock was 1:26am).
    Yeah so... wowza...
    Finally a UFO story for me, just at street level.
    Well, once again we've moved.
    That makes this the SIXTH house we've lived in in this town since we came here in 2002.
    Now back in Jersey, lots of stuff went on.
    When we moved here, all i saw was the first day we moved in... I was walking through the house for the very first time, in the dark and trying out light switches as I made my way up.
    When I got to the attic, before I found the switch, there was a giant, gaseous-looking green ball on the ceiling, it got brighter, expanded, then went up through the ceiling.
    And that was it, which is a VERY strange place for me to find myself in after a lifetime of weirdness, shadow creatures, apparitions and all sorts of hardly credible junk.
    A few years ago, I got a tug on my shirt while at one of the other places we were living.
    And that too was it.
    Well, this place seems to be different already.
    My wife has weird feelings here, which, knowing her, might actually mean she's seeing A LOT more than she's actually saying. She's weird like that, as well as it being a way of obeying some "higher laws" of disclosure that I'd lose most of you on if I went too deep in explaining.
    Aaaanyway, I'm sitting in my room watching Ghost Hunters (lol) and a few minutes later a ball of white light moves from one side of the closet door to the other.
    No explanation.
    Then the other day I was gone, over at the other house still packing up some of my stuff.
    I get back at 4:30 AM and my wife and our friend are frazzled (and armed with a steak knife!) while being clearly alarmed to find I hadn't been there at 1:30 AM.
    Apparently, our German Rottweiler girl Midnight went crazy barking down the hallway. Then THEY heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Our friend ran to the stairs thinking it was me... only it wasn't. In fact, it was no one!
    He looked down the stairs (they're not long... maybe only about 10 steps!!!) and the footsteps were coming up them towards him!
    I'll keep you guys posted as things progress.
    I'm guessing they will.
    Looks like the LONG streak of a "normal" life might be coming to an end for me.
    Well, I went there for fists.
    But, a few hours later... I don't know.
    As usual, I just don't know.

    I guess I just can't pass a deal up, even if it THOROUGHLY derails getting parts I needed for half-completed mocs.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «At the start... the kids in the car and the entire military caravan is driving with their lights on... in the daylight. 
    Under the bright sunlight, the kids are hooting and hollering like morons... well, they must have been doing it an awful long time as the caravan only breaks off from them once twilight hits... and they're STILL flipping out like kids who just broke out of recess.
    Such stamina.
    The trucks that JUST broke off from the kids at twilight are now entering a security checkpoint... and it's sunny again.
    Magnetic box was SO magnetic that it could suck gunpowder through the air like a cloud towards it, as well as suck up bullet casings from many feet away... but rifles of soldiers were unaffected. Worse yet, they lifted it up onto a truck and it didn't stick to it.
    Morning, with a bright morning sun... ...there they are with their headlights on again.
    Ridiculous CGI prairie dog just sitting there a handful of feet away from a refrigerator that JUST came slamming down right in front of it.
    Why. Why. WHY are there little monkey boys wearing skull masks jumping around a long-forgotten cemetery as it's guardians?
    what the I don't even
    Why. WHY are the (blatantly CGI) scorpions making a chattering sound? Why are they swarming a person's body?!?
    Monkey scene. I just saw the monkey scene. And now, for the first time in my life, my eyes have seen something SO moronic that I'm contemplating suicide.
    What do I have to live for? To think back to this moment every day of my life?
    ... ... ...OH GOD and now the monkeys are fighting the bad guys for the good guys. What... just... what.
    Ants. BIG dang ants. Fair enough, for such things do exist. In real life, their bottoms are full of a sugary water that they use I think to grow yeast in the colony to eat. At that point though, they can barely walk. These ones are running.
    But enough of this. See, just like the skull-masked monkey boys, just like the scorpions, these ants... yes, these ants are chattering too. Oh, and I've decided how I'm going to end it all. I'm going to finish out this movie. When the forensics guys come, they'll look at my computer monitor and have to report that the cause of death was "Indiana Jones 4". If it saves just one life, this won't have been in vain.
    Ok... those ants. They like, just picked up a large Russian man. Then carried him away. Into an ant mound that had a human-sized hole on top.
    I feel like I've been kicked in the lower regions... except it's my brain.
    On a good note, I think I want to live now. I'll be eternally tormented, but I'll be eternally tormented while sitting on a beach in Malibu, being served hard drinks by chicks who can't possibly find me interesting.
    That's right. LAWSUIT. With this one clip in hand, I CAN NOT lose.
    Still broad daylight, still headlights on for no apparent reason. >__<
    Aaaand now so apparently are the headlights and spotlights on the aquacar.
    Oh freaking no. More monkey people. And they're breaking out of stone walls, like they were cocooned there awhile, just waiting for people to happen upon a secret cave behind a waterfall. You know, the kind of junk that happens every day of the week.
    Beyond that, the usual awfulness was in this movie... every time one finds a treasure, they MUST exit a chamber to find armed soldiers who apprehend them.
    There MUST be a villain who gets the power they wanted and can't handle it. There MUST be a villain who tries to snag as much loot as an ancient place is crumbling around them right before they die.
    And, of course, the enemies, though armed to the teeth, can NOT hit a target for beans, even at close range... all through the movie.
    I'm not sure why I watched this. South Park already gave me the relevant spoilers. I guess I just had to verify their data for myself.
    I dreamt i was in a poopy urban town of crime, but was needed to run mathematical junk on an outdated adding machine. Well, it was a city, but I was walking on a woodsy trail just a few blocks on the outskirts, where people go to do stuff they don't want people knowing about.
    I felt like I was me in this... even at one point realizing how stupid it was to be doing other people's work when it's just a dream world of THEIRS.
    Much more happened, but I hadn't jumped into my dream yet to tell me to hit "record". When I finally did arrive to talk to myself, the first me already felt too much cool stuff went on for hitting record NOW, so the dream was a loss.
    (Woke up briefly, went back to sleep.)
    I dreamt I was coming down market st, stopped at a light and messing around with a balloon I'd drawn a goofy face on... a black dude on a cycle a car or two back got whizzed as it bopped by, squeezed it then put something up to pop it lol.
    I dreamt i was traveling with some people, stopping at a junky store run by an asian lady on the outskirts of a town. They had used toys and i picked up some, one tiny $1 baggie containing some Lego minifigs with sand green robin hood caps.
    Later in the dream was me finding an old Beast Wars board game or something... the only thing left in it being a stasis capsule with trans purple canopy and an optimus primal figure with an ID4 alien pilot inside it... pretty tiny figure, non-transforming. Very junkily made.
    I dreamt there was a Toys R Us with Blade action figures... many weird things... only like 2 different Blades in the series. with tons of other strange, gimmicky characters.
    There were many a cool old transforming type robot, even some vintage Microman stuff, but no, I was looking for Blade figures. And just like when the first Blade movie figures were out, getting the more detailed, more weaponed Wesley Snipes one was being difficult.
    I dreamt of coming down Market St. and seeing a giant, technological blimp coming out above the mountains... it was very textured, may have had commercial writing on it, windows almost like a "bridge" area... then to turn this inset ribbon of like blades started spinning close to the outside of it's "tail", like some deep sea fish do.
    Immediately following it's turn, Jetsons type flying vehicles started to swarm from down that street (like where the local cab station is in this town)... we left to go down what was like the main highway here, RT.61, and entered the mountain to feel out the situation in a bunker type thing. One lady I didn't particularly trust told me that it was something... I forget the name... Nova or something.... and that it was a "normal" thing to be seen crossing the ocean (as if it were a normal, exotic, commercial vessel)...
    Later I was walking down Market into a no-man's land with 2 younger people... we went through almost a tunnel and I observed scorch marks on the road... a fire had been set and was put out, then it's remains scattered over about 30 feet. I noticed a stub of partially burnt paper... indicating that it was in fact documents from a credit service someone had burned in a big pile.
    We kept walking and went to the left, entering a type of woods-laden "block" from where I ued to live. We rounded the corner to walk down the dirt road, which had boulders off to the side... I walked up the boulders for the heck of it and noticed a melted thing on them... it appeared to be a soldering iron. I picked it up but the thing was thoroughly damaged, unusable, unfixable.
    Through all this dreaming I was at points possibly female and definitely short, younger, but possibly just "smaller".
    The Clone Wars (lol)
    Guy and his Padawan are sent to a planet to secure SOMETHING. They make their way through brushy fields and into some thin woods. They make it either where they're supposed to be, or very close to it. Federation droids are pursuing them closely, but they're safe for the moment.
    The master feels things are going to get ugly soon, so he orders his Padawan to sneak back into and beyond enemy lines to get to a rendezvous point, possibly their landing craft to call for reinforcements.
    On the way, he is stopped by 6 or so indigenous creatures... they come rolling up in a ball, then stand erect. (Lol, they're like that toothy puffball, awful CGI character seen in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi... except they can stand up tall.) (NO WAIT, they're actually more like the awful thing in The Dark Crystal.) (In any case, they're BOTH freaking ugly Muppets.)
    He makes some kind of understanding with them even though they're not talking his language. He realizes if these creatures are still alive this far back where the enemy's been, that their ship probably hasn't been compromised... leaving him time to go back and help out his master.
    He returns within a few yards to where he left off, only to see his master blasted from afar.
    He turns tail while his presence is still unknown and returns to his ship.
    A republic vessel out in space gets his transmission.
    The ship's interior is HIGHLY technological. There's thin, glowing blue circuitry lines EVERYWHERE, even in the floor. The metal or whatever is all very dark. Very 80's anime.
    The person answering him is a much more buff Amidala looking chick in a dark and yet silvery robe which goes great with the surroundings as if technological in itself. Sitting inside a solitary com room, he tells her how everything's hit the fan where he is. She orders him to go see some allied princess... but there's ever so slight a treacherous tone as she describes he will be helping her with her "cats" (as in like, he's going to be eaten?) ...but he doesn't pick up on this.
    The republic woman leaves the com room, telling the head Jedi there what the deal is (or at least her edited version of it).
    They're about to jump to hyperspace, so com rooms are off limits for the moment.
    Regardless, she enters another one, kneels in the center and calls up Darth Sidious, kissing his butt and putting herself down respectfully in his presence. "This is your loyal servant, if you can still find it to call me so" ...that kind of stuff.
    He gets briefed with what's going on with the Padawan and tells her just to sit tight and await further instructions.
    She exits, then goes down the hall to a room where it's safer to be be seated and strapped down during hyperspace jumps. (Maybe because the vessel is so technological, hyperspace is more awesome somehow?)
    The Jedi master comes by, ready to yell at ANYONE for using a com room at the last moment, but turns to an old woman exiting one instead of yelling at the traitor.
    "You are NOT supposed to use those this close to jump!"
    She silently acknowledges having broken a rule while at the same time having a face of condescending arrogance.
    As the old woman exits into a different "jump room", the Jedi looks at the traitor and mumbles something about, "OLD people."
    He leaves her but feels something wrong as he walks down the hallway. The special ship they're on (or some larger mission) is having problems as far as some plan goes, so the Jedi goes into a room to quickly get a moment's meditation.
    He calls on older spirits of Jedi for clarity, going through names... "blah blah, Obi Wan, Yoda, blah blah, blah blah... ... ...Wait. You... What are YOU doing there?!?"
    Apparently the truth of the situation is revealed in the fact that the Padawan's master has wound up side by side as a consultant over in the spirit world.
    Then I wake up.
    (Something messes this dream up from perfectly being an episode of Clone Wars. Obi and Yoda are dead already lol.)
    Well THAT didn't work too well.
    I didn't bleach my hair first because I didn't want to be a FREAK... I just wanted dark purple hair.
    Unfortunately, in fluorescent light or in sunlight, my hair looks "shiny", like a mixture of thin white fibers with a bit of purple... almost like when you leave a rave and go out in the sun with clear UV blacklight glow hairspray.
    Disappointing. I wonder what I need to do to get the desired effect, or if it's even possible.
    The brighter pic I lightened up as my stupid camera doesn't reproduce the color or effect faithfully (even though it does in the viewfinder's screen?!?)
    Seems I've woken up too early.
    Summary: Those very few of you who I've privately told of things (in-depth) going on in this world and where I fit into it?
    Things are happening soon.
    Actually, they're happening right now already.
    My head explodes with things I'm thankful to know yet stabbed with not being able to discuss, be it about me or the darker things going on elsewhere.
    The world's getting ready to change again, brace for impact lol.
    Anyway, I probably won't be the same person (or have the same name in real life) when I get online again for good, so here's a pretty much finished (piloted!) moc I (apparently?) never had the opportunity to post.
    Schattengeist and Jinzo:

    (chest even unlocks to let head swing back to accommodate me)
    Don't fret the stuff I said. The reasons are good... mostly.
    Take care, kids.
    Hoo boy.

    Got this through a viral email.
    I'm guessing this is legitimate?
    If so... wow?
    I'll let the text of the email do the talking...









    I'm not sure how I feel about this design. Oh, it's COOL-lookin'... it's nice there's no more "low air pressure" poop one has to worry about, no flats... but...
    I dunno'. They look like things would be disastrous if the rubber spokes failed, like worse than having an air-filled tire fail.
    At least with a flat, you still have a big, gushy THING there to act as a wheel, however lame.
    My BIGGEST concern is temperature. What's it like driving cross-country in the summertime through 110 degrees fahrenheit days?
    What's it like on a cold winter morning that's 30 degrees minus?
    What happens when you have a tire sitting in one position over the course of a few months... does the oval shape alter the circular memory of the rubber?
    Aren't those thin spokes just asking to be sabotaged by people who don't like you... I mean, you KNOW instantly when you have a flat... but snipping 2 or 3 of these spokes?
    Questions, questions...
    Whatever the case, they're aesthetically pleasing. About time we get an update to the ol' air bladders we've been staring at for like almost a hundred years lol.
    I am in tears right now. I don't care if that incites someone to call me a wuss, really I don't.
    It'll just make it more funny if and when it happens to you.
    Here's the deal... every 10 years, like every 9th year of a decade it seems, I come across music (usually trance) that just OBLITERATES me.
    My heart gets fast.
    I get tears in my eyes.
    My heart ACHES.
    My breathing is fast
    I'm holding my breath.
    I feel happy.
    I feel sad.
    I loosen up and melt.
    I tighten up like I'm about to enter a life and death fight.
    I recede within myself.
    I'm inspired to branch out.
    I want to curl up in a ball.
    I want to do something creative.
    I guess it's a similar feeling to being in real love the first time.
    10 years ago, it was stuff like that mentioned here: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...=50474#comments
    It was coming home from work after the graveyard shift and waking up in the afternoon to the various trance shows playing on WPRB Princeton 103.3
    It was playing CDs like Sasha and Digweed - Northern Exposure : East Coast Edition.
    It was driving 4 hours into upperstate New York to meet new friends, listening to techno all the way.
    It was going to raves, seeing and hearing stuff that was so new and awesome you couldn't believe humanity had gone without it up until then.
    And then... it seemed to just "vanish" from the mainstream as instantly as it had arrived.
    No, faster.
    By 2001, gone was most of the college trance radio shows.
    Gone was the techno show MTV AMP... probably the last show I ever watched on that channel.
    Techno DIED.
    Similarly, 10 years before that, it was me going to New york City to raid the anime tables at scifi / comic conventions, all the while listening to R&B pop playing from the top (top top toptop toptoptoptop!) of the Empire State Building on my mini-FM radio.. WITHOUT having to tune it in (all the way back in Pennsylvania lol).
    Not techno so much, but good music that was just not "white" enough to be played back in my state with any decent airtime.
    I was almost out of school, I was driving for the first time...
    ...but by 1991... it was all but gone. Replaced by junk.
    Oh, there was some darn good rock in the 90's, don't get me wrong. Very good, in fact!
    But they didn't make me HURT.
    They didn't jump into me.
    Well, it's 2009. I felt music was shifting in 2008 (not the stuff on mainstream, terrestrial radio mind you).
    I was waiting for it, losing hope of experiencing it again.
    And tonight, I bumped into something that shot right through me.
    That. Right there.
    It's funny. I've been listening the past decade to the stuff on Sirius Satellite Radio from the UK, like the weekly "Essential Mix" stuff with Paul Oakenfold and any of the other popular DJs in the world.
    And they're not bad, not at all. But there's something just redundant I can't quite put a finger on.
    I like them, but I can walk away from them. Something's too "polished" with them... which in a way is "unpolished".
    On top of that, I've listened to hundreds of garbage DJs not knowing what the heck they're doing too... that didn't help lol.
    But this... it was like a hot spear through my chest. I'm listening to it right now in fact, getting choked up.
    The pile of emotions that come from it are both hopeful and yet... man, I don't even know what I'm talking about lol.
    It's happening again. It's the 9th year of the decade and I've been steamrolled by a set of trance done so right.
    The difference this time is I already know that by 2011, my life will be much different and I'll probably have to wait for something awesome like this to come along again.
    Oh well, enough blubbering about it.
    If you know what I'm talking about, hey, lucky you.
    If you don't, I hope you have some kind of equivalent, some kind of music that does this to you.
    It's a good pain.
    10/10 would cry again
    Can you imagine what it'll be like for mods on websites like 5 years from now?
    I imagine a lot of messageboards will have video responses, as camera tech gets simpler and every off-the-shelf computer can easily handle the workload.
    Mods would have to WATCH every entry.
    They'll have to look for "illegal" things in the background, make discretionary calls on if someone's tone of voice is being snotty or not, decide if someone was dressed inappropriately, wonder if body language is implying anything not allowed...
    It's going to be a whole world of PAIN for them!
    I choose not to vote.
    Voting is not real. It is a laughable thing that the people who control this world present to the people to make them think THEY are choosing their leaders.
    The world is more corrupt than it has ever been before and the reality that voting = choice is a thing of the past.
    Hey, I want a better world. I want change. But that would come in the form of winding the hands on the clock of the government backwards... this of course will never be allowed to happen.
    Don't take my word alone on this. No, YOU search this out for yourself. Words like "corruption", "fraud", "tampering" go great in search engine along with the word "voting".
    Oh well, it was a nice world while it lasted.
    It's all downhill from here.
    Be warned, these are figure spoiler pics.
    I've seen all the Transformers 2 figures revealed so far (I'd say that's most of them in total).
    Hideous. They're ugly. Hated the first movie, hated those darn figures.
    ALL I bought of the first movie's figures was Meantime... a wristwatch guy that wasn't even in the movie!
    So anyway, here's 2 GOOD Transformers 2 figures i'll probably buy...
    The first is a "Fast Action Battler" kiddy version of the character. I might not get him in this size incarnation, but hopefully the larger versions stay true to this look.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Lol, "DEVASTATION" Punch Action. Indeed, indeed.
    What's beautiful about this is while all the other figures look AWFUL, this one was designed (I think?) by a fan, from a picture that's been bopping around over a year now.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « As a result, it looks good.
    Pretty faithful.
    Pretty AWESOME.
    Second is a tiny scout figure. Not anything to scream about, but the body shape and definitely the coloring hits me good.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « 
    So there you have it.
    I haven't seen any other good looking figures. Even the main enemy the movie's named after is a bunch of Michael Bay droppings. And Jetfire... poor Jetfire. He's never looked so bad in his toy life. That's saying something, because the Animated one seemed like his lowest point.
    Still, I hope this means that if they do more movies, they'll use more fan designs.
    Am I missing something here?
    Why would this slapped together piece of garbage, this GAG moc get a bunch of hits and such....
    (Replies 17 / Views 376)
    ...when a moc like this, pretty ###### unique and polished flounders then fails?
    (Replies 7 / Views 222)
    Is it that the photography with the green one, despite being mildly blurry, is easier to see than the black moc?
    Or is it that it really is more popular because it's baby-simple, right down it's baby Duplo blocks?
    It's not the first time, either. It seems like the smaller and more stupid a moc is, the better publicity it gets while thought out mocs that look like they belong in the action figure aisle get steamrolled. Of course, maybe that's the answer right there. Maybe action figures are so abundant in the toy world that even ones made of Lego are "common" and boring looking?
    Still, even here... my most-hit Brickshelf folder: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=82577
    11725 VIEWS?!? I thought them up while sitting on the toilet! They're so small you can count the parts with ease!
    ...has now changed it's name.
    Now they're all the way at the end of the inter.net.

    I don't mind. "They" are still "them".

    Had one heck of a fun time figuring out how to wriggle back into the fold though.
    Kudos if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
    No one probably does, here...
    Don't know the artist's name, but what a neat study in perspective.
    Looks like he takes commercial commissions. Love his use of "props" during the shoots lol.


    Bumblebee! Well... that awful movie version, but Bumbleebee. lol




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