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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Taka Nuvia
    How do you chose the music you chose? What do you expect from music?
    I enjoy listening to very emotional music, sometimes dark music, too. But what's most important to me: it should be a song that carries me away, into my dreamworld. It might not be a cheerful place there, but its beautiful. And it's the place where most of my creativity comes from. As well as my nightmares, but that's another story.
    What fasinates me about sad music is that usually it brings me peace. It gives me time to sort out my feelings, and calm down. Moreover, it gives me so many ideas. And feelings... sometimes it seems like music would be able to restore an empty heart.
    So, what do you listen to music for?
  2. Taka Nuvia
    ... I feel so sorry now. I feel sorry for all those who requested drawings from me once. Why?
    Well, I had them stored in a seperate folder (the pms), and since the Bzpower data crash didn't affect my pm inbox, I didn't care about it much.
    But today? I looked into it to see what I still have to finish - and it's all cleared! There's nothing left!
    Therefore: I deeply apologize for not being able to do any of my old requests. I feel so miserable now. ._.
  3. Taka Nuvia
    I suppose I didn't tell you before, but now it's time.
    See, my mum bought a Cross trainer (you know, something like this) about a week ago. Yeah, great, ain't it?
    - So what's the point of this blog entry?
    Telling you people that we have one, and that I now train every day.
    - Showing off?
    Nope, just pointing out facts.
    - Blarg... you're boring... so how long do you train per day?
    10 Minutes. But I am not very fit, also, it's exhausting

  4. Taka Nuvia
    Soo... did I tell you that 2 days ago I found the ULTIMATE HAIRSTYLING for my Sims? No?
    Well, I'll do it here then. ^^
    And you know why I like it so much? Because it's 100% like the hairstyling of one of my fictive characters, and after downloading the hair I was finally able to create her!
    So here she is: Leander Milan, half-blind, Metal-liking Human girl. Creative, easily enraged, does not like tidying up.

    Playing the guitar
    Totally rockin'
    checkin' her face in the mirror
    That's it for now
  5. Taka Nuvia
    Okay... today I found out that we had the album "Magica" by Dio, and listened to all the songs and the story behind (you can read it here).
    Well, I used the album cover to create some makeup for my Sims, along with a few band shirts (sadly I haven't got any good fotos of them so far, so here's only the makeup).
    It only covers half of the face
    it's also usable for children
    and young adults
    Hope this is not too scary or disgusting, but if so, please let me know!
  6. Taka Nuvia
    I haz new art to show!
    But it's completely non-Bionicle, so I'll put it here.

    It's a screensoht from the Sims2 edited with Photoshop and Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 (oooold programme).
    Like it so far?
  7. Taka Nuvia
    ...I can, right?
    The problem is, my bro wants me to watch vids he found on a hosting side all the time, and if I don't watch them, he calls me "a loser", "dumb" and whatnot.
    I don't think that's right from him, I mean, this videos are not the sort of humor I like. (in some way the even disturb me).
    And also, it's not like I had nothing else to do... like getting online or what.
    I hear a weird sound. I turn round. it comes from a vid my bro watches. I ask "Oh my god, what do you watch?" and he's all like "put on your headphones, you're getting on my nerves". ._.
    It's not like we wouldn't like each other, but when it comes to computer times, we seem to disagree with each other all the time (and our computers are botrh in the same room )
  8. Taka Nuvia
    I admit that.
    But hey, I got two new books to read, and I so much of totally love them, I hardly want to stop reading whenever I've started. So, I thought I might tell you something about them.
    First one: Shadowplay by Tad Williams
    It's the second volume of a series (first one was Shadowmarch), and tells the story of the Southmarch Kingdom, and the Twilight folk (faeries), which live behind the shadowline. At least they did, but now they're marching against the human inhabitants.
    Thrilling book, that is. Nice, complex Fantasy without massive slaughter.
    Second one: City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
    Third Book of the Mortal Instruments trilogy.
    Amazing story about shadowhunters (demon hunters), demons and whatnot.
    Okay, didn't tell too much about these books... has anyone else read them?
  9. Taka Nuvia
    I use the Creating-tool too much
    So, here you have the result of a few hours' work - my very custom Android-skin. ^^
    Teenie Sim
    Playing the Guitar
    Her father
    ... and this face always makes me laugh hard
    Now, was it a waste of time?
  10. Taka Nuvia
    Average replies in topic/blog entry: 3-6
    Say what. I feel ignored, you know. Yet I know that the world doesn't spiun around me, and that I can't force people to talk to me/like me, but that doesn't mean I am not wondered. Is it because I've been inactive for 2-3 days now?
    Or because I haven't updated my comics topic or epic yet?
    Or simply because I've become boring?
    So, I'm sad because of the internet, because of Bzpower. Quite senseless, isn't it?
  11. Taka Nuvia
    ... yah, I have new Sims to show. ^^
    The family I currently play most with
    You can tell she's one of my sims, can't you (love the pose)
    That's what the parents looked like when they got to know each other
    He teaches his daughter how to walk
    I love the look on their faces if they're bored
    the two are just too cute...
    Mother and her son (she ain't elder yet, but I re-styled her ^^)
    The daughter is currently at College
    together with
    Anubis and
    Alexander, the Loratir brothers.
    Lookin' fine so far?
  12. Taka Nuvia
    Ah well.. even though my computer game time got reduced, I downloaded some new hair for my male Sims.... and created some stuff.
    Pictures away!
    Lord Kirtash with the Vampirocilline He looked so cute
    and because it was so beautiful... another pic of him ^^
    These two Vampires were actually having a fight o.O
    Blue sims
    Yes he earned some money!
  13. Taka Nuvia
    Well, well, well... so I took my netbook and went out into the garden so that I can both get some fresh air and browse the internet - and what do I find?
    In one corner of the garden we have a box filled with hay (for spring, so that our turtle can get some sunlight buit doesn't have to sit on the cold ground), and I went over there.
    And what do I see? 4 baby cats, eyes still closed... Soooooo cute. I love them...
    white and black, 4 little furry babies... awwww
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