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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. I did it! *raises fist* Into glory ride! Yaaay!

  2. MY HEAD HURTS ;.; ... ah well, gotta continue writing, gotta finish that work... only 3 more pages left... I CAN DO THIS ;.;

  3. MY HEAD HURTS ;.; ... ah well, gotta continue writing, gotta finish that work... only 3 more pages left... I CAN DO THIS ;.;

  4. just read your interests/about me page... David Bowie? So i'm not the only one! xD

  5. Okay, guys, two things: !) I might have some minutes left and 2) I'd love to continue tomorrow, then. ^^

  6. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  7. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  8. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  9. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  10. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  11. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  12. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  13. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  14. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  15. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  16. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  17. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  18. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  19. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  20. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  21. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  22. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  23. *new status update to continue Blade and Taka and my odd conversation*

  24. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

  25. That awkward moment, when nothing happens... stupid timezones :/

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