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Water Spirit

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About Water Spirit

  • Birthday 07/22/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    In my happy place
  • Interests
    My interests are being interesting to those interested, and interested in those who are interesting. <br />But the question is, am I interesting enough to be interested by those with interest? Or are the interested not interesting enough for my interests?<br />Maybe my interests wouldn't interest those interested, so there is no interest to be interested in.<br />Hmm, Very interesting!

Contact Methods

  • AIM

Water Spirit's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. Hi there! I thought you might want to check out my Bionicle RTS game, "Bionicle Universe" here:


  2. Hello good members of BZP, Since the wonderful admins of this site have allowed everyone to start their own blog, and since I have nothing else to do while I'm waiting for my mother to be down with her class at Millersville University, PA, I thought I should start my own. Well, as you may know, my blog description is "A short spot of insight to the twisted world of Water Spirit," so you might be expecting something along those lines. However, what you don't know is that you already got the insight. :-D That's all I have today, so cioa! Water Spirit
  3. Whoah mand, sorry bout' not allowing your comment. Man, I should check this more often. :D Anywho, since I went from nimmart to Water Spirit, I took it off as my avvie. I'm working on a new mask for me now.

  4. Thats one crazy mask there, mate.

  5. lol. ty

    marmalade! power to the marmalade!

  6. interestingly, the fact that you may be interesting enough for those with interest to hae it, is frankly an interesting topic. Interestly speaking, Marmalade is the answer.

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