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Kail Lokeson

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Status Updates posted by Kail Lokeson

  1. I hate to say that I have probably given that story up. Sorry dude. I know a decent few people liked it, but I have bigger and better tales on other sites to worry about :(

  2. Thanks a bunch :) It's nice when people recognize things like that.

  3. Indeed! Axel is awesome (so are the rest but Axel is the coolest).

  4. I have a few fanfics on other websites that I am focusing on right now. Eventually however I do plan to go back to Hopeless.

  5. Sounds like a neat character idea for a book. I am going to be writing a novel as well eventually. No I don't plan on entering the BBCC #54 :) I am no MoCist, never made one in my life. I do enjoy looking at other people's MoCs though.

  6. Sorry..to long of a comment. Anyways they hope that by acting like they can feel things, they might really feel some remenants of their emotions (it doesn't really work but they keep on trying). They also do it because they know that normal people don't react well to emotionless people. What book are you talking about?

  7. The nobodies come from a popular video game series called Kingdom Hearts. They have no emotion, but you wouldn't immediately see that just by looking at them. A nobody named Larxene for example seems to be a very sadistic person, greatly enjoying others pain. But in actuality she only remembers being like that when she had a heart, and they hope that by acting like they can feel things, they m

  8. A nobody is someone who has willingly given up thier heart. They have no emotion but remember what it was like to have emotion so they can act exactly like they always had. I realized that if I gave up my heart, I could cure my vampirism, so I did. Now I must find Kingdom Hearts and regain my heart.

  9. You're welcome. Awesome avatar by the way :)

  10. Like I said, all I have ever seen of it was a Wiki entry, and for all I know I might have been reading about the wrong story, so I can't really judge.

  11. There are hundreds, if not thousands of stories about vampires out ther you know. I had never heard of that story until just now, and I went to look it up on Wikipedia...it is pretty knarly. I like darker stories usually but not that dark.

  12. You could say that...but being a Vampire isn't all that bad. I can walk through the shadows, fly, use shadow powers. It's pretty cool when you can control your evil dark impulses.

  13. I was able to destroy the Symbiote that controlled me, but in doing so I was forced to give myself over to the darkness.

    It's really not so bad actually :)

  14. *Rolls our eyes at these crazy shenanigans and walks away. We will fight some other day.*

  15. P.S. Thanks about my Epic.

  16. *vidkid gets destroyed because of his unrestrained god-modding and we eat his remains. Then we go after TtW again. Unfortionately our adrenaline rush starts to wear off and we now feel the burn from the boiling water. Thankfully we are still powerful enough with our symbiote to be basically okay.*

  17. *Jumps out of water, unharmed by the intense heat, and crushes your ribs with a symbiote tentacle*

  18. *effortlessly shakes of vidkids efforts to harm me and crushes him in a symbiote tentacle. Rolls eyes at his crushed figure and attacks TtW*

  19. *Symbiote is torn from me temporarily but eventually reforms. Thankfully you could not hurt me in the moment that I was vulnerable because I was underwater. I grab vidkid by his neck and slam him into TtW.*

  20. *Tears decoy to shreds and continues following you*

  21. *Uses unrivaled strength to tear out of sinker and continues to follow the smell of blood that you are leaving behind in the water like a shark*

  22. *Bomb is weakened by the water and my symbiote absorbs the rest of the blast. I bite into your shoulder*

  23. *Jumps in after you, mouth wide open*

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