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Kail Lokeson

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Status Updates posted by Kail Lokeson

  1. I stay on a lot but I go off too, Some of my family members that I dont see very often stoped by today so I got off to see them. Also I'm on a short vacation from school now so I have a lot of extra time.

  2. Chaoter 6 of Our Destiny is up.

  3. Make that chapter five

  4. Hey Lhilertoro, just thought you might like to know that chapter 4 is up on my Epic.

  5. Welcome to Bzpower Toa Dynamo. :)

  6. Yes indeed. welcome Kempachi! :)

  7. Welcome to BZPower superlewa, I hope you enjoy it here.

  8. Howdy and welcome good sir.

  9. And by the way Sauske was always emo

  10. I know Sauske kills Deidara but I'm not sure what the rest of your comment means? Are you talking about Pein?

  11. Thanks. As I said I thought it was Chad from Bleach at first but then I realized that though the hair was close to the same the mouth was different.

  12. You seem like a smart person Hahli the Wanderer. I have a quick question. Is the picture on your profile from Bleach? It kind of looks like Chad.

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