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Kail Lokeson

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Status Updates posted by Kail Lokeson

  1. ...........YoU seT YouRseLF oN FiRe? WhY dId We waStE sO mUcH EneRGy fiGHtinG soMEonE sO sUicIdaL?

  2. HoW dO YOu SeT yOUrseLF oN FirE wHeN YoUR eNtIRE BoDy is piNNeD bY thE SymBiOte?

  3. HeH...FoOL, nO onE CaN OutSmaRT VEnoM!

    *Each of the severed pieces of sybiote tentacles shoots at you from where they fell, thus encompassing you in a sybiote cocoon.*

  4. WhAt...rEAlLy? OkAY. I WIn!

    *Contracts symbiote web untill it is wrapped around TtW and has him totally incapacitated.*

  5. *Tentacle reattaches to my body*

    NoT bAD TaKUa! But ShOW uS hoW YOu hANdlE ThiS!

    *Creates black spider web that covers the entire area.*

    MoVE aN iNCh In aNY DirEcTIoN aNd YOu wILL Be CauGHt AnD unABlE tO MoVE!

  6. LoUD NOisE LikE HEavY SoNIcboOm! LiTtlE WhIsTLe MeaNS NoThinG tO Us!

    AnD PErhApS PutTINg oN a shIrT wiTh PoIsoN oN iT wAs NOt sO sMarT WhEN wE haVe cUT OpeN yoUR ToRSo!

  7. WhiStLE? We ARen'T AfraID of A LitTlE WHisTlE! We ArE VeNOM!!!

    *creates jaw on the end of my arm and shoots it out on a long tentacle to bite into your torso*

  8. *creates symbiote frenzy that sends thousands of tentacles and blades flying off in all directions, thus destroying you and everything in a 200 meter radius*

    WeLl THat waS qUiCK. We aRe AWesOmE!

  9. AnY TimE yOuR ReaDY TaKUA the WaNDereR! WE wiLl CruSH yOU!

  10. I have done everything I can to learn the awesome story of Kingdom Hearts. But I do not have a PS2, so the only game I have played is Chain of Memories. I want to play the others but I am not going to buy a PS2 for two games when I already have a perfectly great Wii.

  11. Oh, I'm doing better. I have been very busy comforting my mom and so have had little time to feel sad myself, if you understand.

  12. Would be better except my dog just died. I pretty upset but much better then I was two days ago.

  13. Thanks! I was honesltly thinking of changing it to something from the Pink Panther movie but I'm not sure. I like the Princess Bride :)

  14. Two little rectangles down, in the Personal Info box...are you joking around or something?

  15. What you mean the Princess Bride? That is one of the funniest movies of all time! I"m sure that there are many people who have seen that movie (it once won some sort of award though I can't remember which) It really was a great movie.

  16. Sererely belated thank you Nikira! (I dont often look at my own comment box)

  17. Empty your inbox. I can't reply to the PM you sent me regarding the sprite the person before you game.

  18. If you're talking about what I think you are talking about, then I quite agree. It was compleatly pointless and unnecisary, just like you said Takua the Wanderer. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with that kind of thing, but it shouldn't have been Dumbledor. Dumbledor always struck me as someone like Santa Clause, and either way he should be above that sort of thing.

  19. Happy Birthday to you! :)

  20. Deathly Hallows was great but I was annoyed by how J.K.Rowling desainted Dumbledor. In my eyes he should always be the wonderful person he was in the first books.

  21. You know just ignore everything I said, I was confused as to what you were talking about, so I probably said something without any sence.

  22. Welcome to BZPower!

  23. You guys are talking about the new avatar right? I mean that it looks like budda does in all the sculptures you see of him. With earlobes that nearly reach his shoulders. (I assume that question was directed at me, I didn't see it until all the other comments had dissapeared underneath it.)

  24. Chapter 7 now. And chapter 2 of Challenges will be up soon.

  25. I like your new avatar as well, It kinda makes me think of a wise old man with a mustache. And the long ears on Budda.

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