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Status Updates posted by Tavakai

  1. UPDATE:


  2. Hey, just wanted to thank you a lot for all the awesome work you've done with the artwork forums. We're going to miss you, Pohuaki.

  3. lol phubbrt i musspeld a wurd i men 2 sey cun nut but et taht i wuz swurring lolz!

  4. *dodges bullet*

    Ha! You can't shoot m--

    *gets shot*

  5. Commenting here because it would be offtopic in the topic.

    I have all 386 Pokemon in FRLG, including event-only ones. I didn't cheat; people who cheated traded with me. :P

    Maybe we should do some trades over Wi-Fi, though.

    There's a reliable cloning cheat in Emerald, and all my non-Sinnoh legendaries are on there.

  6. On my FireRed I did that without an AR. Took me like forever.

  7. Actually, the bottom one is a wheel, and the top is a snake biting its tail.

  8. I agree with you about M-O. He's so awesome! Also, you should have a look at the bonus features if you haven't yet--there's a short cartoon about Burn-E that I don't think was in the theater version.

  9. Some random guy who I ended up accepting onto my friend list just blocked me. The message says, "Don't worry! Echo still likes you!"


  10. How much would two gypsum get me?

    I'll go ahead and send it.


  11. Also, I remember in the Clubpages the Old Timer award said "dis membrz bin makkn culb paggz sins u wur ne hy 2 a garshopa!!111!!"

    Most people I saw who had them were four to five years old. So they've been making them before they were born....

  12. ~bAnAnA~:)~!!!!aHhHh!!1!!!!42!eEtZ a gy w/ a wEedWaKkeR!!1!!

  13. Happy even more belated birthday!

  14. Your ultimate goal in life is to post more than Hapori Dume. Yet you never post. MAKE MORE SENSE. Then again, why make sense when you can make dollars? I guess that's why you have more money.

  15. Who is this I don't even

  16. straaakalatabasaata feed me :strakko:

  17. While the hobbits were coming, they were ambushed by Badgers. They wiped away my avatar and personal photo. They have taken over.

  18. The only reason I'm going to get Platinum is so I can walk sideways.

  19. The stupid module doesn't tell you when you get the location. I got FOUR Desert Spring Locations before I realized it! What a waste of Thornax and clicks!!!!!11!!!!

  20. lolz gurky wnt up a rnka!1!!!!!

  21. http://www.majhost.com/gallery/VakamaTK/Random-Stuff/infinity_conquered.png

    1 smull stup 4 nub 1 gunt stoop fur nubkend!!!!#124123!@!#@#@@@banaaana!

  22. ...and I've been taken over by badgers....

  23. You know, it must be tough to be an Aquatic Guardian when you're a Ta-Matoran. And nice avatar. I have a new one in progress, too.

  24. At least you can delete him. :P

    Oh yeah, I use JirachiT now. I've got those Club-Page-only awards, so....

  25. Happy 100th birthday?

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