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Binary Code

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Everything posted by Binary Code

  1. Oh, Ok. 10110 BC 10010
  2. Well, My dad forced me to give Lessovik back... 10110 BC 001001
  3. Wow, all I can say is... Wow I'm referring to the Women's All-Around Gymnastics Finals last night. Though I was rooting for Shawn Johnson, I was happy with the outcome. Nastia Liukin won gold. Shawn Johnson, silver. It was amazing, much better than the team finals. very few mistakes. Both just nailed the floor exercise. I do think Shawn should have won gold, but Nastia did deserve it as well. I can't wait to see If Michael Phelps gets his 8 gold medals... 101110 BC 0100101 Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.- Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
  4. Binary Code


    What I thought. Watch, in 2010, I wouldn't be surprised if the Canadians win most of the medals... Hold on, I don't want to start any flame wars here... However, I do think their scores were a bit too high. Way too many balance checks.
  5. Binary Code


    Alicia Sacramone, how could you? I couldn't believe how many mistakes the U.S. women made last night in the gymnastics finals! First, Alicia falls off of the balance on her mount. Her mount! Then, she falls over in the floor exercises! Oh, I almost forgot about how she stepped out of bounds,what? Twice! Yeah, I was pretty bummed. Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin were positively amazing, but it wasn't enough to save the U.S. I must congratulate Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin, however. They were magnificent on the floor exercises and balance beam. So yeah, I'm pretty sad about having to settle for silver, but, Oh well. 10111010 BC 01001101 Doctors are optimists, pessimists are morticians.-Troy Furst Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
  6. No, my brother won't be convinced. 101101 BC 010010 just explain to ur frend then HE should be more understanding But, the thing is, I want the trade to stand. Thats my dillema. 111011 BC 0010101
  7. No, my brother won't be convinced. 101101 BC 010010
  8. So you like Seinfeld, the Simpsons, and Lost too, huh?

  9. So... You gonna get a personal pic?

  10. Hey, you were warned!


  12. So your a Shawn Johnson fan too, huh?

  13. Just another reason to hate my little brother. Well, let me start from the beginning. My friend was visiting, and he wanted to trade with us. He came up with this awesome deal: Nocturn (friend) for Umbra (me) Umbra (friend) for Lessovik (brother) Lessovik (friend) for Kikanalo (me) Kikanalo (friend) for Nuju and Jaller Mahri (brother) We all agreed to it, and that was that. Now, I really needed Lessovik and Nocturn, and my brother realy wanted the Kikanalo. So it worked out great. However, since my brother didn't have Lessovik ready to trade, and I didn't have Umbra ready to trade, so we agreed to switch later. About an half an hour later, I had Umbra ready, and I gave it to my brother. Then I started to rebuild Lessovik, so I could take him. Later, my brother started complaining that he didn't want to give me Lessovik, then he changed his story to say that he didn't understand the trade. Then, he demanded that he get Lessovik back. Right now Lessovik is in a neutral area, and we still haven't figured out what to do. What do you think? 101101 BC 010011 In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator. Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.-Homer Simpson
  14. Meijer 101101 BC 010011
  15. Right 101101 BC 01001
  16. Hi everybody! Whoa! I'm tired! I just answered 14 PMs! It's harder than you may think! Anyways... The last couple of days I've been working on getting stuff ready for the county fair. And I entered alot of stuff! My strongpoints are photographs, stories, and LEGO Bricks. (Check back tomorrow for pictures of my awesome Lego entry!) I'm also getting a hang of my new Premier Membership. Yesterday, while getting stuff for the fair, I ran across Gadunka on sale for $11, and Maxilos & Spinax for $15. Needless to say, I bought both, and now am only needing Lessovik, Karzahni, and the Hydruka to have every set from Mahri Nui. Well, That be's it. 1011101 BC 0100101 President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute. Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.-Issac Asimov
  17. OK, Sounds good!

  18. You must have been pretty bored...

  19. Well, now that the pressure of having a good first blog entry is over, I can sit back, relax, and just say what I want. I would like to direct your attention my most recent topic, here. It's about the new web serial, Brothers in Arms, that is now up on Bioniclestory.com. I also want to say thank you to plue nuva, because he has approved my blog. Any others that would wish to do so may put the approval in their comment, then I will put it in the Blog approvals column. Well, thats all for now... 0111101 BC 0101001 The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. The report of my death was an exaggeration.- Mark Twain
  20. I think you might be right! oh, and here's my seal of approval: 1011101 BC 0100111
  21. Or space it out. Totally man. S~K 'Tis changed
  22. I joined on November 6, 2007. After a couple of days of extreme noobishness, I finally got the hang of things. Kex is the head man. TomD is a good MOCer. Omi is a #####. (I now have different opinions on Omi, and I’m leaving it at that) I made a couple of topics. Got excited that some became hot topics, you know those kinds of things. I’ll never forget the first real conversation I had on BZP. It was Visionary (Then Nocturn, the German Titan) replying to my invitation for Colts fans to PM me. We talked a bit, then became friends. A couple weeks later, I got 100 posts, that was neat. A couple weeks lat… This is getting boring. How about I tell you about my blog? At the end of each blog entry, I’m gonna have a weird fact, and a funny quote. I intend to update my blog almost every other day with, well, my life! You know, this just looks like a really boring blog entry to read, so I’m just gonna stop now. Be sure to check back regularly! 011101 BC 010011 If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar. When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick.-George Burns
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