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Binary Code

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Everything posted by Binary Code

  1. Hey! I love your new banner!

  2. Answer my question! :P

  3. Just fine. Hey, are you trying out for member interviews?

  4. You like to "white poems". Eh? :P

  5. It's not hard at all! It's impossible...

  6. Do you want me to put that one up again?

  7. Hey. Awesome new comedy.

  8. Nutin' at da moment airguy

  9. Just fine. And you?

  10. Dude, I'm gonna be honest with you, your avvie and personal pic suck!

  11. What? Michigan and Kentucky aren't touching?

  12. @lonelygirl: Well, they are pretty cool!

    @My mom: It is a pretty cool name!

  13. Yeah, that must have sucked!

  14. You're welcome. No, you don't need a backstory. -? But would it be better if I had one? 10110 BC 0100101
  15. Should I have a backstory for them? 101101 BC 010101
  16. Awesome personal pic and av

  17. Nope, about 20 miles from the border though!

  18. What does that mean?

  19. @MICK: yeah, nutin' exciting

    @Von Doom:Oh man! That stinks!

  20. Yeah, I heard about Peyton's knee. You sure about the autograph?

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