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Binary Code

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Status Updates posted by Binary Code

  1. Nutin' at da moment airguy

  2. Just fine. And you?

  3. Dude, I'm gonna be honest with you, your avvie and personal pic suck!

  4. What? Michigan and Kentucky aren't touching?

  5. @lonelygirl: Well, they are pretty cool!

    @My mom: It is a pretty cool name!

  6. Yeah, that must have sucked!

  7. Awesome personal pic and av

  8. Nope, about 20 miles from the border though!

  9. What does that mean?

  10. @MICK: yeah, nutin' exciting

    @Von Doom:Oh man! That stinks!

  11. Yeah, I heard about Peyton's knee. You sure about the autograph?

  12. Welcome to BZP!

  13. You doin' anything?

  14. Nutin' at the moment.

  15. Colts own! They could beat the Steelers in an instant!

  16. Snoopy owns. (so does Woodstock, ~Bitil~)

  17. Oh! I didn't even read that!

  18. Meh, I don't know...

  19. I agree with Dokspit about the av

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