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Binary Code

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Status Updates posted by Binary Code

  1. Dude, Woodstock owns.

  2. Hey! So, do I get an autograph?

  3. You live there? Thats awesome! Get me an autograph!

  4. Dude, your personal photo owns

  5. Just making sure you get your facts straight, thats all

  6. Hey, I'll Pm you...

  7. AS you can see, those topics come from my friend pocketmouse's don't give me credit!

  8. What does ãÊÖ mean?

  9. Guys, he likes making topics, get over it.

  10. Wow! You're finally on! I reccomend you change your font color though...

  11. Excuse me, 12009 times, get it right!

  12. *sob* You could have asked nicely! *sob*

  13. Nuju?!?! Your avvie is... Nuju!?!??!

  14. WHAT THE HECK!!?!?!?!

  15. And you think my username is funny?

  16. You really like my avvie?

  17. Thank you pocketmouse!

    So we have another Colts fan do we!?

  18. Because 57 is a much better avvie

    Laminin took vacation for a couple days, but he's back now

  19. Some time all right!

  20. Yikes! You're going on a posting spree!

  21. Hey, love the name

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