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The Makuta Vamprah

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Status Updates posted by The Makuta Vamprah

  1. ok so how do i do it?? im clueless

  2. ok so u go 2 my profile...then u clik on my thing at the top that says comments...then u clik on the guy:tye nuva-sumthing i dont remember...ok now ur at his profile u seethe recent visitors and u clik ''mafu le metru gaurd...on his profile u see at the top a jumping kongu!!thats the king of thing i want..or i wood like 2 hav that same 1

  3. ok so you changed yours and i changed my username...but not for long im going back to my old ond

  4. ok well i think its awesome!! can you make me one like that? maybe with ehlek or maxilos?


  5. ok

    but me?

    how come?

    were did you find me?

    i havnt posted in a long time

  6. omg the rahlshi on your sig are so cute!

    can you send me a link to them?

    please and thank you

  7. omg you realy are married!! and you have 5 kids??

  8. oooooo cool!!! another transformer lover!! BUMBLEBEE IS THE BEST!!

  9. please leave a comment when you visit my profile

  10. please show me how 2 put a profile picture T_T

  11. ps.:

    look at your stars!

    i put 5 stars now you have 4 instead of 3! :)

  12. so thats why it didnt work....i like the new name anyways!all thanks to your avatar!


  13. so you make those things?

    can you make me one?

    with a rahkshi maybe?

  14. T_T is evy 1 offline or sumtin how come only 2 ppl leeve comments?


  15. thank you for informing me ...i would like to have a r.i.p.matoro also

    please pm me the code

  16. that rthingy at the top the red and silver cartoon thing...with moving flames...how did you get it?

  17. that video of the pit with the music and the dancing squid...can u send me a link becuz i wood like 2 see it

  18. thats an awsome picture u hav...wat is it?wer did u get it?nvm...um u came 2 my profile,yes?...how did u find me?

  19. they look more dead than scared

  20. TRP,you have beutiful eyes

  21. uh.. anyone else you know have the name -NZT-?

    no ?

    then your the right person

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