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The Makuta Vamprah

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Status Updates posted by The Makuta Vamprah

  1. um how about one with toa kongu inika?

  2. um im new and i red the thing of rules but wer r the guidelines?

  3. um....is somethink rong with something?....no kongu eh?

    ok well id like one with a rahkshi then

    thank you very much

  4. um....wat no i meen like those dancing tos things ..here ill tell u wer 2 go if u want 2 see i but u must do it fast ima go see and 4 each instruction ill post a new comment

  5. um...i take it you dont come on very often...

  6. ur a premier member im not sure if uve seen i tho but go 2 my profile and visit sum1 whos left a comment or a recent visitor...an example wood be: a 1 with kongu jumping and it says''mind-reader''

  7. vamorah is a life gard in your what?

  8. vamprah doesnt have to stand.hes the best flyer

    besides,he lookes like hes about to pounse on someone when hes standing on all fours

  9. wait im reading more...you married nidhiki??

  10. wat does it mean 2 be a premier member?

  11. wats that sonic thing at the top?

  12. wazup?just chekin' you cuz you ckeked me first :P

  13. wen u post u hav this cartoon rahkshi with 2 real rahkshi dancing next 2 it...how did u get that can u tell me so i can do that?

  14. wen u post u hav this wiked awsome picture of pridak that says i am pridak

    wer did u get it?

  15. what is rong with this!!!!

  16. whats a premier global moderator??

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