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Gary Oak

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Status Updates posted by Gary Oak

  1. i lost FotT v1 in the great server crash and its back up and doing fine =/

  2. Mak? Would you be kind enough as to stop being more awesomer then me? Please and thanks?

  3. ...Moody RPG...mistress?


  4. Ooh...you is make RPG? What it 'bout?

  5. *Sniff* No... imma getting Heveanly Sword though. I just got it for XMas. :P

  6. ...Can you name a metal song that IS happy?

  7. gratz on obzpc =]

  8. o no i spek good senten

    i no spam ur proofeele

  9. ...*Eats*

    You're comment is null and void'd.

  10. lol hey elem get ur azalaer face on

  11. ...Are you really THAT lonely?

  12. hi me spam blade profile spink come help?

  13. Oh...sure. =D

  14. Congratulations! You have won the 'Ticked GG off award!' by spamming up his comment box! Your prize is your comment box now belongs to me! *Maniac laughter*

  15. teebs me spam blade profeele u come help gg?

  16. Spink murders you, I sic Bob on his face then I ban him.

    'Cuz murdering is not nice.

  17. fosho!

    you play maple? what worlds?

  18. ha ha i rising up army to spam ur profeele i win

  19. No, Sabrestrike joined also but he's done didely squat. I'm ending it anyways. We didn't do 'nuffin.

  20. I thought I had too, then nostalgia got me in a vice grip then strangled me. =\

  21. me just notice you got lot of friend


  23. Liiiiiiiike certain LP fainbois?

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