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Posts posted by Burnmad

  1. IC: Artorre: Only Bay Passage:"Experience? In burning things, yes. Besides that, I suppose I am a rather good swordsman, but where I really shine are my reflexes."

  2. I'll do that then.And I'd like to tell them to keep quiet about it.Problem solved, Ona.Woo nine widgets. We need a bill to tax the population and one to divide half the money in the bank every 2 weeks amongst the government.

    - :burnmad:

  3. Soso Nui requires assistance in their defense against Westarhk. However, we cannot provide troops, or we would hurt relations with the latter.So Soso Nui wants 75 more widgets to arm the other half of their military. If a senator would please make a bill to do so, that would be wonderful. I'm assuming Westarhk won't be aware if we do so?Also, who wants to take Tosha96's place as policematoran?

    - :burnmad:

  4. Ona, you're gonna go bankrupt. :PHe hasn't actually made the bread yet, by the way.JiMing, I'd recommend buying a comms device first, you can afford it and it'll save you what you spent quickly.I would also set my price at 6 widgets, a 2 widget profit per loaf once you get a comms device.Also, TR, do produced items belong to the business or the owner*? And do you need to own a business to sell items? Lastly, can you trade items?*For example, can someone eat bread they produced?

    - :burnmad:

  5. Is her name Brightpaw? If so, it's been approved. It's #184.But yeah, someone start a food business already.Also, if anyone wants to be a policematoran, I think a guy who is doesn't want to be, so I can switch you guys around.

    - :burnmad:

  6. Well, you don't need it to survive if you follow the first two rules, but you need it to advance, by which I mean extensive obsidian mining.But yeah, one time I was building my mineshaft, never digging a single block straight down and ran out of ladders, so I started a spiral staircase sorta thing. Eventually, I just decided I would just dig a block straight down. Or maybe I accidentally did it, I can't remember. But anyways, first block I mine, BOOM. Fell into a cavern, got mauled by zombies.

    - :burnmad:

  7. I figured he'd just claim he didn't have space on his computer for GIMP or didn't want to slow it down more. It already takes him 5 minutes to open Word, according to his PMs.

    No, at that point I would have tried futilely to make a fake screenshot. Too bad, that would have been hilarious.

    I can assure you that Burnmad is being completely truthful. The Penguin Empire has used its amazing Linux powers to hack Burnmad's computer and make it all wonky. His computer will shortly be annexed into our Imperial Network.

    YES MASTERBut yeah, I know that lie was horrible. My worst ever, in fact. But I haven't played in a year, so you can't expect me to remember to construct lies before I need them. XPAlthough the 5 minutes part was true, my computer is that bad, and what are the quotation marks around "we" supposed to mean?

    - :burnmad:

  8. I lied about my role, so he told me to take a screenshot. I lied about not being able to take a screenshot, but he kept pressing, trying to teach me how. So I left a ridiculous message on his tip form thingy, with my name on it. It was about my deep love for mashed potatoes. It worked. We haven't spoken about screenshots since.

    - :burnmad:

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