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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    Okay I have no idea why I didn't post this earlier.
    Well anyway, a couple of weeks ago, the camera I've been using pretty much fell to the floor and broke.
    It can most probably be fixed because the software was still intact, but the lens had gotten separated from the body
    of it completely. So I'm guessing getting it fixed could take a while.
    But yeah, this means that I won't have any MOCs or art up for a while, with an exception for LDD/digital art stuff possibly.

  2. VampireBohrok
    I was considering building some kind of mutant Rahkshi. The concept idea was that it should've been green, but I realized
    that I don't have a single Lerahk. So currently, I'm considering these colours:
    - Black
    - Brown
    - Red
    I don't really feel like making it blue. They're pretty much even to me, altough I must say I'm leaning towards red or brown.
    But yeah, my question is: is there a colour to be preferred?
  3. VampireBohrok
    I've been hearing a lot of negative comments about its plot recently.
    But really, was it bad? I personally feel that it may be pretty simple and not very complex, and the idea is pretty
    much a classic. But does that make it bad?
    And even if it would be that bad, the visuals and the design would make up for that twenty times over.
    You can't deny that everything that you can see in that movie is, to put it simply, awesomesauce.
    But really, I think we're just being too picky. And there is nothing wrong with being picky, as long as you can appreciate a movie
    even though it does not match with your idea of a perfect movie.
    I hope that I've made my message clear.
  4. VampireBohrok
    So I got this perfect idea for #58. I'm going to start working on it... well, about now. *cracks knuckles*
    Also I woke up today to find that the snow was back. And the snow we already had just melted. Oh well, it won't last long.
  5. VampireBohrok
    Does it look okay for you Windows people, or is it just a red cross?
    Cause I have experienced that before with some banners that were generally nice looking, and I'd be happy if
    that wasn't the case with this one.
  6. VampireBohrok
    Braces ;_;
    I currently have no less than three different metallic thingies stuck into my mouth, bending my skull out of shape.
    It's not cool.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I was bored. I had two Stars sets. What did I do? Well, the following of course:


    As usual, click to see larger.^
    I've got a couple of others too, but I haven't photographed them yet. (I must've been really bored :|)
    also pics suck lol
  8. VampireBohrok
    More or less three days until it comes out here.
    I don't know what I'm most hyped for, seeing how the graphics and such have been developed or GLaDOS' sheer brilliancy.
    Yeah, probably GLaDOS.
    Oh, and maybe co-op mode. Just maybe.
  9. VampireBohrok
    What? I didn't read it until now.
    I think it's okay this far. Firing up a new serial this way works better than I would've thought it would, but I
    like Greg's way of writing and the general idea is displayed well.
    But I hope the new characters will prove to be more interesting than they have been to this point, honestly.
    And I can't believe I didn't see Angonce as a new villain coming.
    Also, the Marendar seems very cool and interesting so far. :3
  10. VampireBohrok
    It's a miracle that I managed to save this picture. Might take a better one later on.
    But anyway Gamzee is pretty awesome so there. :3
    Comments and critisism appreciated.
  11. VampireBohrok
    ... That I can't wait for Hero Factory to come out. Altough it's not going to be here until about a month from now. :/
    I just really want to get my hands on Meltdown so that I can revamp him beyond recognition.
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