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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    ...Can go away now. I don't want there to be piles of half-melted brown snow when my birthday
    comes around. :wakeup2:
    Also, I'm selling twelve thousand tonnes of snow. Anyone interested?
  2. VampireBohrok
    You know why I draw?
    Because I feel almost powerful with a pen in my hand. The power to create whatever I want.
    Besides, I'd go insane without being able to draw. Really. I would've broken down long ago if I
    didn't have the ability of drawing that I have.
    Also, if you're an artist, what's your reason?
  3. VampireBohrok
    I kind of found out how "Eyjafjallajokull" is pronounced. But believe when I say that it doesn't make it
    easier. Because apparantly, two Ls in a row is pronounced something like "kshr". It's nearly impossible to translate that
    sound to text.
    Also, the O(which is actually an Ö) is pronounced like an O and an A in the same letter.
    Yes, it is confusing.
  4. VampireBohrok
    THIS CALLS FOR CAPS AND LOTS OF ANGRY EMOTICONS :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

  5. VampireBohrok
    In theory, wouldn't it work?
    If there are small turbines in the blood veins that are connected to a generator or something in that direction,
    it might be possible to by using cables transport electric charges to nerves that will get stimulated by the electrons and make
    a muscle move. I am of course skipping a lot of vital stuff, and it is impossible to get it working using today's technology.
    But it is a pretty cool concept.
  6. VampireBohrok
    I suppose it was pretty okay, considering what kind of movie it was. I can't say I loved the representation of Freddy.
    However the main characters did have some depth and the scenery was quite flawless really. Plus the fact that they included a couple of the
    classic scenes. :3
    The insomnia factor was a welcome addition as well if you ask me.
    I guess I'd recommend it, but there's less of a point to watch it if you haven't seen the original.
  7. VampireBohrok
    I just can't describe it. It was so epic, so sinister.
    Yes, that's right. It was released where I live... two days ago. Lolwut?
    What happened with 9/9/09?
    Anyway, that's the movie that everybody in the world should see. *Logical nod*
    9 theme coming up.
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