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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Happy birthday!

  2. And you obviously haven't really stuck to it.

  3. Welcome to BZPower!

  4. I am so sorry about that!

  5. Hey people! I'm -Bionix- now!

  6. Hey people, go check out my new comics! Please?

  7. Go check out my new comic topic! I don't think you've seen my new ones.

  8. Since my proper username has been Coleanuva for quite some time (about 2 years) is it okay if I say (example:if my comics took place in the EM) that my character is a Nuvian?

  9. Also, there's a tiny white pixel hole in the side of your banner.

  10. Darn it, you're barely older than me!

  11. Whoops, I thought I was on my account when I posted that. Looks like my bro was logged in on my mom's computer.

  12. I know! We should have exchanged b-day topics!


  14. @Ozuan: I think that's Guilmon, a Digimon. Used to be a HUGE fan of Digimon. :)

  15. I have some contests on my blog. Anyone who wants to enter them, click on the Blogs tab in my profile. Then, at the top, you will see: Visit this Blog. Click on it and you will be at my blog. Then you find the two contests.

  16. I got glasses yesterday!

  17. Oh, so you heard about that? I went on to [iNSERT SITE NAME] last night, and I dida full read-up on like all the new features of Platinum

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