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BrassEXE Toa of Gold

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Everything posted by BrassEXE Toa of Gold

  1. the operation will begin in five days

  2. ok i quickly went there and we may have a chance if none of the guards see us(by us i mean you and me)If the distraction works we should be able to get to the vault and escape with the dew.

  3. then they should give me this things because we need some spare masks. also we need a distraction.

  4. do they have this things i seek?

  5. Rohn I could destroy that base by my self but it's to much of a risk...because i'd have to go nova. luckly we just need to get the three friends of my maids out of there...sadly they are elite guards to the Ellipsaurus and are always by him. Thats why i'm going with you guys I'll hold off the Ellipsaurus while you guys get the maids friends out of there.
  6. sadly we need five Kualsi's and a large number of smoke grenades.

  7. O_O wait somethings not right with that statement.
  8. yes and to get the flavor we need a darn good plan....thats why i'm making one.^_^

  9. just let me know when your healed^_^. also i just got a tip one where the Bule Shock flavor is....may be in the most hevily guarded place.....the mountain dew HQ!

  10. after your done healing we shall find the rare mountain dew flavors^_^

  11. Yes but they have friends that are in the army that your trying to destroy. If you can help get thier friends out safe i'll help destroy that base.
  12. um has your brain healed yet?

  13. and are the hardest to find.....we must quest for them. i just learned that a old mountain dew factory may hold the mountain dew red bottle's preserved for all these years.

  14. Give me three good reasons why i should join because my house maids are ellipses andthey might get mad if i try and kill off there kind.
  15. O_O a sane entry by Lhikan....i'm speechless. And he wouldn't eat cats he'd eat Nidhiki if anything.
  16. yes and i still need to find the rarest of all mountain dew flavors Mountain dew red and Mountain dew Blue shock.

  17. so i have a stash of mountain dew black and moutain dew game fuel. two of the rarest mountain dew flavors ever!

  18. *cuffs your hands in gold and snatches meh cookie back*meh cookie!

  19. I don't bow to anyone. also if i wanted to i could unleash a power stronger then your army and even the elipsis's army. i feel happy now. ----------------- I don't. I feel scared. Recruiting more people for thy army... -Rohn you don't have to be scared i'm nice^_^.
  20. Fool the ellipses have more then one secret lair. They have many across the universe which is why they can't be stopped. so now you know...*teleports away*
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