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  1. "Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity."

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    2. Ahi-Dagra


      A hundred years ago, a man may have made only a thousand letters (which can be read with a some time). Now, he can make tens of thousands of e-mails and letters(unfeasible to read within years). Thus, it is true that our information quantity has increased and by that fact our information is becoming more and more difficult to communicate briefly.


      While I meant the AI comment as humor, it is true that great feats of mental preservation can be achieved by use of AI. Our ability to r...

    3. Ahi-Dagra


      emember will almost certainly be profited.

    4. Overlord


      At the same time as the volume increase, the information we put out has become easily searchable for the first time. Though vast quantities of information might have to be accessed or sent, specific things can be looked for relatively simply.


      I figured it was humor, but it's still a valid point. :P There are limits to our computers, and of course limits to our lives, but we haven't nearly yet reached them.

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