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Knight of Kaos

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Posts posted by Knight of Kaos

  1. Just finished Past Sins.0.oHow has the world not exploded from excess awesomeness by now?Seriously, it was the best read I've had in a good while. It was dramatic, gripping, and impossibly heartwarming (as in, I'm like, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THIS IS SO HEARTWARMING). Seriously, I'm surprised I didn't cry (I almost did, and I think I might in a few minutes). If you haven't read it, I suggest you do.

  2. "That was SO AWESOME! But, this is the radical-ness competition, so you loose some points there."Unfortunately, I missed the last few minutes, but I think I can gather what happened.[spolier]The turtle becomes Dash's pet, and Dash writes a letter about being less judgemental. Amirite?

    Fluttershy's reaction to Dash wanting a pet is SO funny, though.

  3. So uh... even though I just watched the first 3 episodes, I've already made my own pony. What's happening to me?Though it does look more like a dragon than a pony, so it's a good thing I've got my priorities straight.~U_K~

    I cannot stop laughing right now. I didn't really expect you of all ponies to become a brony. XDAlso on the topic of dragons Basil is my favorite non-pony.
    Woahwoahwoah, let's not get carried away now. I just made the pony because I'm drawn to things that are customizable. I wouldn't consider myself a brony...yet. ~U_K~
    Yeah, I'd be surprised if it only took the first three episodes to get you hooked. I still wasn't sure at that point myself. Course, I don't remember what episode marked the turning point for me.

    So much fanon has been destroyed today. First Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents being alive, then Dinky having a sister, and Pinchy being Berry Punch's sister instead of daughter...


    At the same time, I think quite a few fan comics have been realized with the whole 'Sweetie Belle makes a mess, Rarity gets mad, Rarity finds heartwarming drawing by Sweetie Belle and they make up'.Also, I didn't catch the canadian accent thing...This means... RARITY IS CANADIAN?

  5. OOC: Technically, to make any form of actual matter, you would have to have the equivalent energy of about 1,000 atomic bombs per kilogram of material. I think he should probably stick to energy constructs rather than matter.

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