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Solaris Magnus

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Everything posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. We know, I appreciate your help to both sides. If you dont mind my asking, what IS the point of this game

  2. Sorry bout that, Silly me
  3. good job wait is there a autoblue that has something to witth spders in there name sideswipe go to the poll niwit for surel artwork Well I was a Bit wrong The website already exist and is Huge accordign to TMV. and they already have all 15 cards
  4. Not sure sideswipe, I thought it was the same link OH I craked the riddle of the Blue's Spiders and there web The web is a WEBsite which is being created by someone (hazrd)? to host cards on. It is being created by these "spiders"
  5. Nope none, the card URL's are random, it could take months to crack them. Oh Sideswipe, what's your experiment ?
  6. Im signimng out again Sideswipe, Varporok, your in charge again
  7. EVERY ONE MEET HERE< the blues are mocking everyone and hurting alot of peoples feelings, we must stay together and not be angry, revenge will come when we win
  8. Well im trying to get hazrd to tell us the next location, But she says she cant say anything .. YET. The next card should be coming soon
  9. Well, will you be able to

  10. Hey Sideswipe, how did they get the Blue Zatth ?
  11. Let me Guess, we still have nothing hmmm where are they . Oh BTW WHAT IS A AUTBLUE DOING HERE?
  12. Well we do have 28 days left, I think the Creator is holding out on us for a day or two, until the nec=xt card will be relesead
  13. I am Back, find anything yet
  14. Your right, That means Akilini Enterprises is Behind this I am Signing Out for the Day Varporok and Sideswipe Are In charge till I return
  15. I tried Toa Unions Games, Nothing, we must be looking in the wrong place ?
  16. Well I tried Akilini Ent. I didnt find anything, but Im not a member, so I might not see any thing else. And I tried Biotech Games, Nothing
  17. And the new Bionicle Quest of the Toa website, Im sure theres something there
  18. LIST BZP BS01 MeNol Blue Crystal Games hazrd.co.cc Ill add more in a bit
  19. Well here we are, I am updating the member list in a minute So where is our next Target
  20. Welcome to Deceptired HQ only those loayal are allowed I am ~Starparu411~, Tahutron is the Official Leader Members are Sounsulot Varporok Sideswipe Devastator Megatron Starscream Sideways Spawnonok. Sideswipe ~Unit#TheFallen#1 Skodjin Blackout in the Shadows and all other Reds Lets discuss our strategy to CRUSH THE AUTOBLUES The Locations are Miru-Sign up page Avohkii- Kanohi Journal under the Surel Art Contest page Shehek-BS01 in Hazrd's talk page Faxon- Blue Crystal Games in a sentence in the 3rd game down Zatth- Our Trump Card, only one of our Ranks Knows its location Huna- Menol.org scroll down
  21. Hey hows it goin. Guess your vacationing or something so Have fun :D

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