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The Lawuser

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Everything posted by The Lawuser

  1. I know.

    That's why I have shapeshifted so I can't be found.

    But, don't tell anyone. ;)

  2. The Lawuser

    Name Change

    That's a pertty cool name... Never have watched Bleach myself, but still...
  3. Which of your entries should the banner link to?
  4. Well...Defilak is around the same size as Onua Mata, so I don't see any reason not to make the Hydruka bigger too. But the Hydruka came out bigger than I expected.
  5. Really cool. Too bad I changed my name... My bad. Sorry.
  6. Kinda, but HE TRIED TO KILL ME!

  7. ...Answered on your profile...

  8. No, when I was Miserix, I was battleing MoMN, I won, and shapeshifted into a Toa.

  9. I have a strange feeling of de-ja-vu.

    You make it sould like a bad thing. XD

  10. You know... And yes, you do know.

  11. Er... hehe... You make it sound like a bad thing... XD

  12. And came up woth my suggestion?

  13. Hey hey. Finaly we can leave you comments. :P

  14. Lame title eh? W'ever, this is my first attempt to make a blog entry. I'm still an unknow MOCer that no one knows. So I would like introduce you to my new project, PROJECT INTERESTING, where I make revamps for sets I think is either good, or really needs a revamp. I don't want to make anything super cool and costum, but just more interesting. ~Defilak~ ~Nuurakh~ ~Thulox~ Hope you like it, and sorry for the lack of pictures. ~KajI~
  15. Oh... Eh... You're welcome.

  16. MoMN or Teridax or whatever you want to call him.

  17. But seriously, you have TWO Brutaka?

    Ot a Brutaka and a Kardas...

  18. Yea Krika. I'm not good at the names okay?

    Well... A little...

  19. Ah, happy birthday ^^

  20. Hm. How sad.

    So will your comic be able to take GSs in March?

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