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Status Updates posted by Dispulsion

  1. I think I'm done with BZpower. I barely even log in anyways.

    I may log in every once and awhile, but I wont post.

  2. Happy Birthday, Doom.

  3. your av and personal pic are characters from nitrome.com

  4. i cant make comics

    i suck at it

    and i got extra homework these days

    (mainly cause i

    bring minifigs into class and play with em)

  5. your probably one of the coolest guys here on bzp

  6. HAppEH B-DAY!

  7. almost your b-day!

  8. on bzp it say right now while im writing this message the time on bzp is 00:8

    hehehe 12:8am

  9. 5

    i always get tonnes more homework than expected

    another reason that im not making comics is

    i suck with gimp

  10. do u really play roblox?

  11. hmm "b" what starts with "b"...

    I KNOW


  12. ok and thanks for letting me pgs

  13. sadly i may not make comics i have extra homework these days

  14. great idea ill use it

  15. how did you do

    that flash effect

  16. zeh penguin isnt scary its kool-aid


  17. wow i never knew your a flying penguin..thats awsome!

  18. i finnally installed gimp my skills are getting better.

    i have BIG plans for my comics

    but no ideas to start

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