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Twisted Master

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Status Updates posted by Twisted Master

  1. You have the prototypes yet? Sorry, I'm just really impatience ^.^

  2. I have a small problem about them instructions... I lost them =/. I'll do my best to track them down but consider them lost at the moment. Sorry =(.

  3. I can give you the instructions by PM.

  4. Have you considered what I wrote in my post in your latest topic?

  5. Could you make a topic with pics of your prototypes? That would be awesome =D

  6. If you hadn't already noticed i came back to BZP just 2 days after i left =P. No need to mourn me any further =D

  7. I was just wondering if you could read my latest topic Greg. I wrote to TLC about Bionicle "ending" and all that. The reply was quite interesting and i would like your opinion on it. It really puzzled me O_o

  8. I was just wondering if you had solved the little shipping problem wtih your parents? I'm not pushing you or anything. My parts aren't going anywhere =). Btw, my parents couldn't find a good solution at the moment but I'm still trying to figure something out.

  9. Check out my final (now closed topic). I'm sorry to leave this soon.

  10. To bad you closed the tribe topic...

  11. I'm a little late but thank's for the gongratz!

  12. When you are free you can check out my new topic. Again.

  13. Do you MOC? If so, are you good at it?

  14. When you are free you can check out my new topic.

  15. Your version of Trinuma is just awesome! How did you become such a great MOCer?

  16. Twisted Master here! Way to go! you got in the final poll! Hope you climb up from second to first place! Your entry is way better than the rest!

  17. I wanted to know if they thought I was right or wrong, other( interesting) comments and another question i had; What do you think Telluris is.

    Please re-open!

  18. Hi there! I would like you to re-open my latest topic. The title was just a figure of speech! =P

  19. I think that since they plant them they must have some knowledge of how to remove it?=P

  20. It was trying to copy my files. Is there no shame in people?!

  21. You're the best MOCer

    I've ever seen!

  22. My computer has a virus so I will be hard to reach a day or two.

    Just so you know.

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