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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. No, I only sent it to two people! You were the first! I'll re-send it!

  2. Yep. Did you get my message of farewell that I sent to a bunch of people?

  3. I'm good, just insanely busy! Unfortunately, I will son have to draw my time on BZP to a close for a while. :/

  4. Hahaha *drumfill*

  5. My sense of humor falls on deaf ears. Nevermind.

  6. War did all ur post go, doodcake? Didja kick to them curb 'cause they didn't look like Mick Jagger? Pop culture reference FTW.

  7. I miss bothering you. :(

  8. Lady K! I miss gawking at your art and writing. :(

  9. So, I've been a bad Niki-groupie. I haven't bothered you in AGES! So here you go:


  10. Hey! New chapter in F2- it's not great, but I just wanted to write a quick chapter to move the plot along some.

  11. I added a new chapter in Forsaken 2! It's not very good...but it moves the story along for you guys!

  12. I added a new chapter in Forsaken 2! It's not great, but I hope you like it.

  13. New chapter! It's not great, admittedly, but it moves the story along- something it was in desperate need of.

  14. New chapter. It's not very good, admittedly. But at least it's moving the story along.

  15. AMAZING. (Sorry in taking so long to get back to ya.) Sooo much fun and made a bunch of new friends too. Great trip. I'll send you a PM later with more details! :D

  16. *EVEN BIGGER HUG* Thanks for the review! Hopefully, the characters get fleshed out some in the next chapters. I'll definitely work on it! And I'll tell you all about my trip when I get back! :D

  17. Unfortunately, I leave for a class trip to Europe on the 16th and I'll be gone until the 25th.

  18. SHE RETURNS! *hug*

  19. D'aww, it's okay. I had a lame day, so when I saw your comment I went YAY! :]

  20. Nah, I didn't feel ignored. I haven't been on for a long time either.

  21. You like Smallville! +1000 awesome points!

  22. So, not sure if you're still BZP active, but I finally got back to F2. It's not done yet, but we're getting there. Also, I'm pretty sure I promised you reviews on some of your stories, but I don't remember which ones! Any in particular you'd like for me to check out??

  23. New chapter in F2! I know it takes a long time, so if you just kind of skim the past chapters really quick and read the 'previously on' you ought to be good.

  24. So, you may have left BZP since Bionicle 'ended'. But I just wanted to let you know, F2 IS still going. I know it takes me a long time between chapters, so I usually post a 'Previously on' thing at the beginning. There's a few chapters I'm not sure you've seen.

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