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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. Ah, THAT'S what it was! I knew there was something I was forgetting! I'm sorry! I'll get to it ASAP- promise! :D

  2. Thanks! I didn't want to say thanks in topic since I'm trying to finish F2 by a thousand posts.

  3. Yaaaaaaay! Thanks! :D

  4. I anxiously await your critique. :)

  5. Well, I'm a big fan of irony, so I think it's awesome. And wouldn't that be an awesome story-canon element? :D

  6. Yay! Sounds great! Thanks. :]

  7. Just wanted to let ya know that Turakii is a girl, not a guy.

  8. Hai. Sos. Der iz nu chapter n ma epic lulz.

  9. I have been a terrible friend. I haven't reviewed a lot of your latest stuff! I'm sorry! I'll get around to it, I promise. I just wrote a new chapter in my epic, and it reminded me I still have so much I need to read of yours!

  10. New chapter! :D

    It's not my best writing, but I'm just trying to write at this point so the story keeps moving. You know, oil chapters. But still, it has a lot of stuff in it that's important.

  11. Hello! I noticed you're new to BZP. Just wanted to say Hi and welcome you. How long have you been a Bionicle fan?

  12. I find it ironic that I have to finish F2 within my next THIRTEEN posts, hahaha! *cue ominous music and Stevie Wonder singing 'Superstition'*

  13. Added my second entry to the same topic if you are interested.

  14. That stinks. The doctors can't really figure out what's up with me ever, so I hope that's not the case for you. Be praying for you. :)

  15. Aww, I'm really sorry! I can empathize. I get sick a lot, but not necessarily 'bad' sick. What do you have?

  16. Hey, I was wondering if you would take a look at my BS01 entry. (And it's not against the rules to ask you, since it's a panel of judges! Yay!)

  17. Hey! I'd love to hear your thoughts on my BS01 entry story. And it's not against the rules to ask you, since judges are deciding later! =]

  18. I'm sick and have been having a bad day. But then I saw your sig, and it made me laugh, so thank you! :D

  19. (And if I didn't clarify when replying to my review, I prefer to have my burgers 'medium-well' than 'well-done'. Well done= yucky to me.)

  20. Glad I could make your day! :D And yes, that WOULD be very cool if we both placed!

  21. Thanks! Boy, I sure hope that's not plagiarism... I'd love to hear your thoughts on my full entry! :D

  22. *gives giant bear hug*

    Thank you for your review! Honestly, I love your reviews! I replied- probably too much- to your review to answer a few things. Thanks again! You = awesome. God bless!!

  23. Not to be a badgering...badger(?), but I'd love for you to read and review. After all, you're my fav critic!

  24. Hey, I finished my entry! I hope you like it. :) It's called "Innocence and Instinct".

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