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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. Ah, that makes sense. Plus, considering how random a lot of those quotes are, it would be hard to find any suitable music. "Mahna Mahna" performed by Cake comes to mind. :P

  2. D: Where did your hilarious quote sections go? They are no longer on your blog!

  3. No, I NEED that verbal pushing. Without it, I get the feeling I'd never get anything done. :)

    So far, it's coming slowly...but it's coming.

  4. Cool! I'll give it a read as soon as I can.

    Summer is ok. Dull, mostly. You?

  5. Cool! Which epic of mine?

  6. Why yes I am! :D

  7. YAYZ! *hug* Squwee.

  8. Most definitely! It might not be for a while now...since this epic is a bit more of a mystery, it takes a bit more planning. : D

  9. I think I'm gonna put Citizen/Soldier on hold for a while whilst I finish up Forsaken 2. It's starting to feel lonely. :P

  10. Reevooed yore epick.

  11. Woo! Awesome! I'll be sure to read it ASAP- family night tonight.

    Don't worry- I'll message ya when I need help. Right now, almost all my epics are on hold whilst I think.

  12. I've sent a friend request- really, this is just to make me feel like less of a creeper for blog-stalking you. :P

  13. Yay! And I'm glad you 'catch the drift'. *winks rather conspicuously*

  14. I replied to your review! Hope it is enlightening for why I've done a few things the way I have done things. Say, are we ever gonna see the final chapter in TBoNTB?

  15. I don't appreciate being told to 'bite you'.

  16. Also, read the rules for new members. A few of your posts are spam, and that can affect your proto- which is bad. ;)

  17. Thanks for the review! I'll respond tomorrow...I'm dead tired right now. :/

  18. Gave your newest art a big comment! It's amazing!

  19. I didn't expect you to read the whole thing- just the last chapter. And even at that, just a glance. :]

  20. I appreciate the review! So, is anything missing?

  21. Don't mean to be a bother, but...have you read the last chapter in F2 or looked at C/S?

    BTW, I'm still Sorek. :D

  22. I'm hoping you got the message about my name change.

    ...It's me, Sorek, btw.

  23. Hope you got the message about my name change...

  24. Haha, yeah. I thought it was time for a name change. I'll change it back to Sorek eventually.

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