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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. I just got your comment! Cool, a new chapter? I'll check it out! Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Eat lots of food?

  2. Happy belated Thanksgiving, bud! Thanks for your reviews and friendliness. :D

    New chapter up! Hey, are there going to be any new chapters in NGFC?

  3. First of all) HAPPY BELATED THANKSGIVING! :D I'm thankful for your reviews and for your friendliness.

    Second of all) I wrote another chapter. I don't know why, but lately I've just wanted to write a ton...:/

  4. Just read the new ADITLOGF! Very nice. Again, glad your back.

  5. YES! *cries out of sheer joy* You're back...ADITLOGF will be back...I'm so happy, I don't need Christmas this year! :D

  6. Aw, thanks! I appreciate that. :D

  7. Well, my older sister is here at home for break, but otherwise, not really. I'm going to write a lot. :)

    Thanks for your review! I'm really glad you liked it. I've felt like Toa really ARE jedi in a sense, due to the similarities in code.

  8. Hey! Are you on Thanksgiving break yet? I just started today. :D

  9. Ah good. Question again: do I know you?

  10. Hey, you liked my SS's, right? Have you read my epic? Or am I thinking of someone else?

  11. New chappy for the cappy to read.

  12. 'nother chapter...I had a lot of free time this weekend.

  13. Aw, sorry I gave you a cold. :P

    Not much here...boredom.

  14. Hey! How are you?

  15. Yupper. At first I couldn't figure out how to put your name in...but then I just abriviated it and spelled it all funny-like. Jei(jay)gi(jee)=JG:D

  16. Thanks for the review! For staying with me so long, I dropped a few hints in my reply and some tidbits you might find interesting! :)

  17. Naw, just got hit by inspiration to write today. Although, I think my writing is getting a bit sloppy...:/

  18. I'm so excited- I just added another chapter! That's two in two days, not two in two months! New record! :D

  19. New record! I just added another new chapter! :D

  20. AH! NEW RECORD! Another chapter a day after another! WOAH! :D

  21. I replied to you post on my topic, Unanswered Mysteries. Welcome to BZP.

  22. Don't sweat it. :)

  23. It's ok, I guess. Boring, mostly. School. That kind of thing.

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