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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. I'm good, how're you?

  2. Hey! Sorry I've been gone a while. I was having computer issues. How are you?

  3. Sorry I've been away for a while! Computer issues...How are you?

  4. Sorry I've been away for a while! I was having computer issues. How are you?

  5. Cool! I;ll check it out soon!

  6. Happy New Year to you to, person I do not know!

  7. Books and movies, plus some sketching stuff. :D

    Oh, F2S 14-15 are up. Enjoy!

  8. Merry Christmas! I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner! :( I meant too! Promise! How was your Christmas?

  9. R&R= Read and Reviewed! :D

  10. Ooh, another chapter in TBoNTB? I gotta check that out and review! I can't right now- family stuff. But I will!

  11. BTW, have you seen chapter 14?

  12. I wish! I'd love to have a blog to rant about Forsaken stuff.

  13. Nananananananananan, BATMAN!

  14. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Politically correct statement of happiness!

    I wrote another chapter in my epic, and I'd really appreciate your reviews! :D

  15. Howdy! Are you on Christmas Break?

    I got another new chapter up! Any news on the possibility of an epic involving what I suggested?

  16. Hey bud! Sorry I don't talk to you enough! How are you? Are you on Christmas break?

    I also got chapter 14 up in my epic, if you like. Do you have any new chapters in your epic?

  17. New chapter up! It's a miracle. Although, there's no real action in this chapter, it's more of an evidence gathering chapter.

  18. Cool! I hope you'll have a new chapter up in TBoNTB soon!

    Actually, that may have been wishful thinking. I doubt I'll have it finished tonight now...:/

  19. Yup, I'm on break now. I'm gonna write the next chapter in F2 this evening. I'll check out the new chapter in MNO; I read the first two, so I want to see the third! How bout you? On Break? Doing any writing?

  20. New chapter!

    Also, how are you?

  21. Not lately. I'll check out your story Monday, if that's ok...I'm kinda beat right now.

  22. I reviewed your epic, and as soon as I got to the review I realized I had never reviewed! So I did an all chapter encompassing review.

  23. How was your thanksgiving? Did you eat lots of good food?

    Anyway, I've been reviewing and writing- it's amazing! Heh heh. :P

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