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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. I've lost F2, Citizen/Soldier, and Paranoia! Along with all my art topics! :(

  2. I posted the second part of the prologue in Citizen/Soldier, if you're interested.

  3. Sorek

    Read and Reviewed your epic "The Dimension". I'm from the Epic Critics Club.

  4. I just read and reviewed your new epic "What a Grudge can Do" for the Epic Critics Club. Enjoy!

  5. , I'm SO sorry! I had no idea I had been appointed a new epic reviewer, so I hadn't been reviewing yet! Standing by for orders.
  6. Well thankee.

  7. Yeah...call me crazy, considering I haven't finished F2, but I just had to start this one!

  8. I know it's crazy, but I started another epic- even with F2. But I just HAD to get it down on paper and written. Hope you can check it out- it's just the prologue for now.

  9. Read and reviewed your SS! :D

  10. Your avatar and Banner are the same as my personal picture and old avatar! :D

  11. Well, that's just a conundrum.

  12. I can't decide if I think you are very scary or just sarcastically funny...it torments me.

  13. I take it from your blog photo you play DF?

  14. New chapters up in Forsaken 2!

  15. I noticed you've reviewed my epic Forsaken 2 a few times. Well, I've updated, so I just thought I'd letcha know. :D

  16. Reviewed your new chapter and wrote a new chapter myself!

  17. Howdy! I'll scan the next page ASAP- I'm very excited about this one.

  18. Eh, weekends ok. You?

    I don't have time tonight (Super Bowl stuff with the fam), but I'lll try soon.

  19. Yeah, only a few more chapters in F2. And yeah, F3 is the one I'm the most excited to write. I've had ideas for how the trilogy should end since I got about half way through planning the first one.

  20. Ok, I guess. I only need to write a few more chapters, I'm hoping. I REALLY want to get started on F3.

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