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Everything posted by Sorek

  1. *gasp* Inferna Firesword viewed my profile! But why? :D

  2. I like the deadline. I want to prove to myself I can do it. Of course, when you're sick and all, it can completely ruin everything. I haven't felt like doing -anything- for the past few days. Oh, I totally know that feeling while your sick. I was sick with the flu (not H1N1, luckily) two weeks ago and missed a week and a half of school, so I have a ton to catch up on. -
  3. *huggles* Praying for you. Hope you feel better! Oh, and I'm the same with NaNo. I'm just not feelin' it. It's like, I'm supposed to write when I'm inspired, not on a deadline!! -
  4. Yay! Oh, and I really sympathize with getting sick... I've got a semi-weak immune system, so I'm stuck at home a lot.

  5. You're very welcome as well. =)

  6. Mhmm, definitely. Have you started your novel for Nanowrimo? I'm three days behind.

  7. Hey, I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on my Multiverse entries. (This is me groveling for reviews.)

  8. I fixed my review so that it's actually readable.

  9. I wasn't fishing for encouragement, but thanks! :] I've been feeling a little down on myself about writing lately. Ya know?

  10. I'm Roto on NaNoWriMo. Joined up. I'm probably gonna fail, but thought I'd give it a shot. :)

  11. AWESOME SAUCE. You must get someone to cosplay as Komas! Then you could be like... characters from a novel. (Lost my train of thought about half way through that sentence...) And, your cat is named Gibbs? His first names wouldn't happen to be Leeroy and Jethro, would they? Because, either way, that's adorable. Nooblet Sorek just realized VF went Komas for you. Missed the picture. WHOOPS! -
  12. Sorek

    Na No Wri Mo

    I'm seriously considering it... not sure if I'll be able to do it, but I'll give it a shot! -
  13. I posted my review, but I think it came out all wonky. BZP server is temperamental.

  14. Ah, THAT'S what it was! I knew there was something I was forgetting! I'm sorry! I'll get to it ASAP- promise! :D

  15. Thanks! I didn't want to say thanks in topic since I'm trying to finish F2 by a thousand posts.

  16. Yaaaaaaay! Thanks! :D

  17. I anxiously await your critique. :)

  18. Well, I'm a big fan of irony, so I think it's awesome. And wouldn't that be an awesome story-canon element? :D

  19. Yay! Sounds great! Thanks. :]

  20. Just wanted to let ya know that Turakii is a girl, not a guy.

  21. Hai. Sos. Der iz nu chapter n ma epic lulz.

  22. I have been a terrible friend. I haven't reviewed a lot of your latest stuff! I'm sorry! I'll get around to it, I promise. I just wrote a new chapter in my epic, and it reminded me I still have so much I need to read of yours!

  23. New chapter! :D

    It's not my best writing, but I'm just trying to write at this point so the story keeps moving. You know, oil chapters. But still, it has a lot of stuff in it that's important.

  24. Hello! I noticed you're new to BZP. Just wanted to say Hi and welcome you. How long have you been a Bionicle fan?

  25. Ooh, the hospital?? You worry me. Are you doing any better? I promise not to let the attitude of life-is-unbearable contaminate me. However, I request you do the same. Sounds like you've had a hard few months. Check out Relient K's song "The Lining Is Silver". It cheers me up. God bless. -
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