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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. New chapter up! Please read, bud! Hope ya like it XD.

  2. Not a whole lot. My mind is kind of fried because i have a virus of some kind right now, but thats it. I'll check out your story sometime this week!

  3. So, I've been a bad Niki-groupie. I haven't bothered you in AGES! So here you go:


  4. Lady K! I miss gawking at your art and writing. :(

  5. First, hi. It's Sorek. :)

    2nd: I AM missing a chapter in F2! I posted it just a few days before the data wipe, and I can't find it cached! AGH!

  6. I miss bothering you. :(

  7. Hey. Infernal Medicine and Brave Dragon are the same member. She just changed her name on BZP. It's still her.

  8. I reviewed everything you have in Lingering! It's really good!

  9. I thought I had told you...oops! Well, I'm telling you now, I guess. :]

  10. I posted my review, but I think it came out all wonky. BZP server is temperamental.

  11. Thanks! I just wanted to make sure it was fine with you. Heh, I thought my homework would take forever with 2 essays, but it only took an hour. :P

  12. My sense of humor falls on deaf ears. Nevermind.

  13. Woo! Awesome! I'll be sure to read it ASAP- family night tonight.

    Don't worry- I'll message ya when I need help. Right now, almost all my epics are on hold whilst I think.

  14. Cool! I;ll check it out soon!

  15. Well, that's just a conundrum.

  16. Haha, yeah. I thought it was time for a name change. I'll change it back to Sorek eventually.

  17. Don't mean to be a bother, but...have you read the last chapter in F2 or looked at C/S?

    BTW, I'm still Sorek. :D

  18. New chapter in F2S! Check it out! :D

  19. New chappy in F2S! :D

  20. I think that you are one of the fans of one of my epics, right? Forsaken 2?

  21. Yep, pretty fun! Sounds like you're pretty busy. And, no problem!

  22. Yeah, I didn't realize I had done that until a few days ago (making a second topic). But this one has some grammar corrections and stuff, so technically, it's the updated version. :P

    SS Results? How'd ya do?

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