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Sith Stalker

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Everything posted by Sith Stalker

  1. Mata Nui - A Star Trek freak Ackar - Winnie the Pooh Kiina - A bunch of weirdos Metus - The dirty traitor Berix - Obi-Wan Kenobi Gresh - A friend/enemy of The Terminator Raanu - Another Star Trek freak Tuma - A hybrid of a fish, an armadillo and a giant Strakk - Johnny Bravo Click - Click (?)
  2. Hey Scottie it's me 4everKnight139

  3. Don't try it! It'll only get you burnt!

  4. I sense my Sith side is stronger than your Sith side.

  5. Sweet! A fellow Darth! And also of the colour red!

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