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Vezon the Charming Maniac

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Status Updates posted by Vezon the Charming Maniac

  1. Where did you get brightlightorange from? It's what most people call Keetongorange.

  2. Wait, who?

    I know that most people on BZP call it Keetongorange.

  3. Did Adventurer finally kill you?

  4. What do you think of my new profile image?

  5. Hey.

    Love the personal photo

  6. But I'm so awesome, I deserve to get a present every day :P

  7. There is only one true herald, and it is ME!

  8. *Steals back my Vahi and throws birthday cake of fire at you*

  9. Ha ha! (Nelson voice)

    You're not yellow anymore!

  10. I know it's a bit overdue, but welcome back

  11. *You explode after eating the fiery cake of death*

  12. I found you some cake.

    Check the topic.

  13. Welcome back to the land of something. :)

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