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Status Updates posted by Accel

  1. ENGEEN MAXIMUM DUURIVUU. Death is waiting for you on the other side of the finish-line. ACCEL GRAND TOUR!!!!!


  3. uhm....hey..you sent a check. i meant cash. im not sure how to take the money out of a check.......

  4. LOL your going out with a 1 year old. LOLOLOL

  5. okay shadow. i have to tell you the truth. i was very busy. but im sending today. so. im sorry. i included more masks. in a mask pack bag (european i think) i resealed it for fun so DONT THINK ITS A REAL MASK PACK. just open it ans get ur masks. lol.

  6. Natsumelon isnt here right now =D. BUT YOU CAN STILL TRY AGAIN.

  7. oh. :(. see you later then.

  8. u recieve? wait for one more week and a half if you didnt. please. but if u dont recive. please tell me and ill send back ur kaukau and....money. yea. that was it. 7$ right?

  9. not sure if i do. maybe you can pm me al ink to them or something so i can listen to them. :)

  10. exactly. see? young kids these days. act like relentless fools.

    they always call each other names. but for what? saying NOOB so much is exactly how childish you are. grow up kid.

  11. So you found me eh? you win this round.

  12. yea rated you one. foolish kid. your probrably a spoiled brat. anyways. your just acting like a troll. calm down and end this.

  13. OMG MAN!! im really mad now. everytime i wanted to go i was sidetracked by jobs. im like one of those people who just does what people say. as long as they ask nicely. and i force myself to do things (shoveling snow clean up, etc) so im sending today. no matter what. and nothings stopping me now.

  14. just to ask. who are you?!?!?!!? i forgot


  16. well the trades off then i see. you should atleast tell me :'( (crys)

  17. i noes d1s 1s wi3rd bu1 wi11 u b3 m@i fr13nd?

  18. OMG YOU LIKE TOKU ALSO??? =D. i love mechas alot too.

  19. YAY!!!! lolz. can i add u as a friend please. FrIeNd ShIp.

  20. no lol XD. if u want to cancel it, its fine.

  21. so you made the picture?

  22. Final Form Raido...DOUBLE!!!

    Cyclone Cyclone, JOKAH JOKAH!!!

    Oh man i want to see the movie so bad.

  23. hey man is the deal off? :((((

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