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Status Updates posted by iVahi

  1. I hope you're back for good, a google result that directed to one of your topics is how I found BZP :)

  2. Merry Christmas Greg!

  3. Sure, I made that one in 3 seconds on AppleWorks painting (amazingly its worse than paint!)

  4. He's always in CT XD I have no clue, hopefully when he comes to a library again, he is more on the right side of the state. . .

  5. Happy Thanksgiving :)

  6. Yeah, Lord of The Flies does that.... According to the author, it's an attempt to trace the problems in human society back to the defects in human nature.... Now, that is way creepier than Steven King!

  7. Umm, GF isn't on any other fansite. We know his birthday, and I think he has told his age many times...

  8. Name change???

  9. @Toa orka- He doesn't have a friends list. Not even Binky gets to be on it. I assume it's because he doesn't want i to seem like he "picks favorites"

  10. Congrats on winning the orca poll :)

  11. I love the avatar ;)

  12. Holy Rahi Dumpings, You came back!!! "Last Seen: 30th September 2008 - 06:51 AM"

    PLEASE CONTINUE WORKING ON THE MOVIE, :) (We know your there ;) and I hope you return, or at least give us an update)

  13. Hey LTOF, would it be possible if you could send me a higher res version of your avatar without the writing on it? (I will not use it for an av, I only wanted the symbol of the Iggy :) )

  14. Never. Who knows why, he just thinks that PM's work better (which they do...)

  15. How's TOTT MNOLG EDITION going??

  16. @Keeby, send your question to Greg in a PM,he doesn't read his comments.

  17. PEOPLE STOP SENDING GREG PM"S!!!!! I've been trying to send him the same one about 7 times! Let the guy be, and think of other members who want to send Greg questions!

  18. Hey Leigh-

    If you get this, Check your email for my help. Sorry I didn't see it earlier :(


  19. OK :) Always nice to see another V for Vendetta fan on BZP :)

  20. What do you mean?

  21. And, you really can't forget the amazing job Greg does on the book and serials. Those two things really make BIONICLE for me.

  22. Triggy- Have you seen these websites?




    They are concept art for some of the games. :)

  23. VIPER TX1-

    That comment is uncalled for. Greg doesn't just write comics, he writes the books which are far better, and he also writes the serials, in my opinion, the best. You should really read the books or read the serials at BIONILCEstory.com,and then reconsider your opinion of GregF

  24. Hm... I sent you an email I wonder if you will respond...

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