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Status Updates posted by Resev

  1. Yeah they're ranks.I have more posts than some of the Mods there LoL

  2. Yeah, alittle extra cash would rock lol.

    My life is in the process of being good, if that makes any sense.

    Is your av, a pic of your gal, Christina?

  3. Yeah, and rootbeer XD


  4. Yeah, but not anymore :P I gots a haircut.

  5. Yeah, but you've been here longer than me :P

    Which means I've had more people visit me in a shorter period of time >:D

  6. Yeah, I noez :(

    Sometimes I wish I had one.

    For a sec, I thought you were talking about my Ppic

  7. Yeah, I was missing cause of the move to CO >_>

    That explains why I could'nt get on BZP with my PSP lol

    Your RPG got jacked?Can you get it back?

    Thanx, she was cute so I had to get her :P

  8. Yeah, I'm a Halo fan.But I've only got Halo 1 for the comp.

    I've been meaning to finish my art but things have been busy lately.


  9. Yeah, I'm not a big poster sometimes

  10. Resev

    Yeah, I'm the eldest.

    That was the old family PS3, we just shared until I got my own PS3, but they didn't change the name >_> Therefor, I AM CLONED!

  11. Yeah, I've still got a ways to go



  12. Yeah, it was kinda painful.

    I'm just glad it did'nt leave any scars.

  13. Yeah, now we NEED to get her back for the *BURN*

    But what to do?


  14. Yeah, remember! I sent you a link about it & U said it was gonna B UR new weapon :P

    ...... O.O

    That kinda weapon in the hands of a psycho......What have I done!?

    (I'm immune to the virus BTW)

  15. Yeah, Resident Evil


  16. Yeah, same here.

    There making a new CoRiddick game that sounds like it might be good.


  17. Yeah, sorry about not posting right then.

    I had to take care of something real quick.

  18. Yeah, thats what I meant. lol

  19. Yeah, the pink icon was just for laughs.

    D-Exo's been knifing people and turning them pink.


  20. Yeah, the Wmart takeover plan kinda bombed XD

    I wonder how long this Ion brigade will last.


  21. Yeah, there's a PM you still have yet to reply to.


    I'm not the Chimera!

  22. Yeah,but the power of Coke can revive you fully XD


  23. Yeah,I think he had a daughter too.

  24. Yeah,I'd have to change my clever name LoL

    Im not sure you get to pick your name but If I did have the chance to pick my name I think I would go with Commander Cody or Darth Nihilius

  25. Yeah,I'm kind of a multi-tasker.I can have 5 windows running at the same time.

    being insane is fun everyonce in a while :D

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