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Blog Entries posted by Resev

  1. Resev
    Boxes!.....the boxes are everywhere!!
    I'm gonna be alot happier when this move is over with.
    My room looks like a warzone & alot of my stuff might have to go into storage which I'm not too happy about.
    Hopefully, everything will work out & all this stress'll be over.
    It's gonna be different living in an apartment.
  2. Resev
    Another year has come and gone....feels like it it's too early, but it's here O.o Kinda funny how time flies.
    Lots of changes in this past year, the move, new friends, new places. Kinda makes me wonder what 09 has got in store for me.
    Only bad thing about my new years is, I'm not the one popping fireworks >_> I really miss being able to have a blast back at the old place....
    Anyways, Happy New Years everyone (and for those of you who can drive, drive carefully )
  3. Resev
    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.
    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.
    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.
    — Lt.Col. John McCrae 1872 - 1918


  4. Resev
    (click for bigger pic)

    So who else is looking forward to the next RE game?
    I heard this game has alot of new features that should make it even better than RE4.
    Kinda bummed that I have to wait so long for it to come out =/ I hope it's worth the wait.
    The game should be coming out 2009 they say for the PS3 & the 360.
    I'm really looking forward to this one cause of the gameplay.
    The game's environment will play a significant role. For example, if Redfield suffers prolonged exposure to heat, he will begin to see mirages and hallucinations. Also, the game implements various lighting effects.
    If Redfield moves between bright and dark areas his eyes will have to adjust, causing the player to briefly lose some visual of their surroundings.
    The Plot looks interesting too.
    The story will explore Chris' life during the ten year interval between the two games.During the game's events, he is a member of a group known as BSAA, and sent to investigate an incident in a desert area that serves as the game's setting.

  5. Resev
    Say hello, to me bro! (finally got the account up, special thanx to Black Six)

    (click pic)
    Be sure to spam his comment page!

  6. Resev
    I should not be awake >.>........I.....cannot.....sleep
    InSoMnIa!! Without any coffee...
    And ya know what the best part is? I have to get up at 6:00
    It's been like this for quite some time now....
  7. Resev
    Texas finally got some!!! YAY!! Only problem is, I have to work today
    Oh well, it's still awesome, considering we rarely get snow like this. I'll take as much as I can get.
  8. Resev
    (click for link)
    So, after accidentally, beating AC:Bloodlines and was unsatisfied with the ending (Not enough info IMO), I decided to treat myself to the Assassin's Creed 2: Master Assassin's Edition. B)
    And I am not displeased with anything. The contents are:
    Special Collector's Tin
    Assassin's Creed 2 (With 2 exclusive maps)
    The Art of AC Book
    And a blu-ray disc with bonus content; including the AC:Lineage Short film.
    I think I will be busy for quite some time And on a side note: You know your GF is awesome when she's into video games.
  9. Resev
    Thought I might post up some of my sketches, W.I.P and simple art, nothing fancy.
    Invader Zim
    Zim & GIR arrive at BZP
    My MS paintshop distorted the image >_> So that's why it looks funny.
    Ivory Jones
    Skull sketch
    Artwork for Barrahkshi:Chibi of Souls
    I tried to replicate her style, best I could.
    Anyway, watcha think?I've got more, just too lazy to scan 'em at the moment

  10. Resev
    Well, we got most of our packing done so now we just have to wait awhile longer for the approval up in Colorado on the apartments and a few other things to get worked out and then we should be set to leave :wakeup2:
    3 cool things about this move is:
    1 It's going to be alot better on my mom's health when we move up there.
    2 I'm interested in seeing what kinda jobs are up there for me.
    & 3 It snows like crazy up there! I love the snow! Can't wait to have a real winter up there.(it's rare in Texas )
    Anyway, the next few months should be interesting.

  11. Resev
    (It's missing 2 other top players, but oh well. They left before I could screenshot them)

    Determination that is incorruptible
    From the other side
    A terror to behold
    Annihilation will be unavoidable
    Every broken enemy will know
    That their opponent had to be invincible
    Take a last look around while you’re alive
    I’m an indestructible master of war[/oneofthegreatestsongs]
    Let me know if anyone has Halo for the comp and wants to play. I could always go for a good challenge.
  12. Resev
    I'm absolutely dreading it. I'm getting my wisdom teeth (all 4) out on Sep. 3 : /
    I know a lot of people have already had theirs out and it's just minor surgery, but I've never been put to sleep and I have a phobia of doctors and needles
    I know it'll probably be no big deal, but it still manages to make me nervous. I'm going to try and keep my teeth as a souvenir

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