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Surgery For Resev



I'm absolutely dreading it. I'm getting my wisdom teeth (all 4) out on Sep. 3 : /

I know a lot of people have already had theirs out and it's just minor surgery, but I've never been put to sleep and I have a phobia of doctors and needles <_<


I know it'll probably be no big deal, but it still manages to make me nervous. I'm going to try and keep my teeth as a souvenir :P






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Well I had to have 4 teeth pulled out because my mouth was to small and now I have 3 wisdom teeth that need to come out in 2 years!! Now for the first surgery I was awake and fine but for the wisdom teeth one i'm a little bit nervous! haha I would rather stay awake then be put to sleep! But you'll do GREAT!! The part i'm most nervous is while i'm waiting for the Doc to call me back... Ugh I HATE that part! But then 1hr later it's all over! YAY!!!


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I think it depends on the person...some have said it's no big deal, others say it stunk hardcore. Either way, getting them out is very beneficial.


I would hate to know what's going on when I'm asleep...but it's probably safer that way. People tell me it's okay afterwards just to relax and eat lots of ice cream.

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It hurt pretty bad for me, but I think because of all the stuff I've done like breaking my toe, I delt with it pretty good. :P

Mouth pain is usually bad for me, but in my opinion it's not a super big deal, but don't get food down the sockets....it hurts D:

Although according to my mom, I was pretty humorous after coming out of surgery, I was so out of it I was just smiling with my eyes closed and I had to be wheeled out to the car 'cause I couldn't do anything...but I remember being awake afterwards having them put my sweatshirt on me (it was cold weather) and yea...that was a funny and weird experience :P

It sucks not eating solids for a while though.... :( It...it's like not eating REAL food!!!!! D:

I think you'll do fine though, also....considering the things you've done to yourself..... :P


Good lucketh, man, and I'll be prayin' for ya :D

Also even though I knew it'd probably be no big deal, I was nervous too lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Let me give you the positive first: You'll get lots of pity and I could spend about 3 days on the couh doing nothing but watch movies, so that's not a bad part :D


Now, I had that procedure done January 09,so here's a few tips:


The anaesthesia would probably be only one needle. Little tip from the doc's son: Relax your arm/shoulder wherever they poke you as much as possible. Clench your teeth instead or something. You'll hardly feel a thing.

Now, I did it without getting knocked out totally, so I had the pleasure of getting local shots to get me numb. That was the worst part, for me. Your kinda lucky that way. You'll just get a shot in the arm or so, instead of 4 into your mouth...ok, I'll stop telling that part. You won't get any of that. You'll be out. Which is fun after waking up because you'll be pretty dreamy ^^


As for the aftermath here's some tips: Have cool-pacs ready. Lots of cool-pacs. And I hope you like Slushies Ice-cream and other stuff that can be consumed through a straw.


PS: And get a picture taken, you'll never get Gerbil-cheeks like that again ^^ It looks pretty hilarious!

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It's going to suck. BAD.

Thanks for the encouragement :P lol


I would hate to know what's going on when I'm asleep...but it's probably safer that way. People tell me it's okay afterwards just to relax and eat lots of ice cream.

Kind of like that horror movie where they sedate the patient and half way through the surgery, he awakes but is immobile; forced to experience eve-- GAH, not thinking about that anymore.


It hurt pretty bad for me, but I think because of all the stuff I've done like breaking my toe, I delt with it pretty good. :P

Mouth pain is usually bad for me, but in my opinion it's not a super big deal, but don't get food down the sockets....it hurts D:

Although according to my mom, I was pretty humorous after coming out of surgery, I was so out of it I was just smiling with my eyes closed and I had to be wheeled out to the car 'cause I couldn't do anything...but I remember being awake afterwards having them put my sweatshirt on me (it was cold weather) and yea...that was a funny and weird experience :P

It sucks not eating solids for a while though.... :( It...it's like not eating REAL food!!!!! D:

I think you'll do fine though, also....considering the things you've done to yourself..... :P


Good lucketh, man, and I'll be prayin' for ya :D

Also even though I knew it'd probably be no big deal, I was nervous too lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

Thanks Jordbro :) I might be able to take off the day and we'll play Uncharted "Idiac style" ;)


Let me give you the positive first: You'll get lots of pity and I could spend about 3 days on the couh doing nothing but watch movies, so that's not a bad part :D


Now, I had that procedure done January 09,so here's a few tips:


The anesthesia would probably be only one needle.


PS: And get a picture taken, you'll never get Gerbil-cheeks like that again ^^ It looks pretty hilarious!

One major problem though. I might be allergic to general anesthesia, because it runs in my family. So, that plays a big part into my worries.


And absolutely not!!! That was what my mom used to call me when I was super small. Cheeks :P




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There is this neat little pill called Dormicum. You'll be half-conscious but won't feel a thing...after the initial local anesthesia...it's kinda like something going fast-forward because when I got it done it felt like 10 Minutes but apparrently it was about 2hrs...


Oh and painkillers for after the surgery, that's another fun-part :D I couldn't get Vicodin but Ibuprofen does the job just as well...just don't drive any vehicle with that.

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One major problem though. I might be allergic to general anesthesia, because it runs in my family. So, that plays a big part into my worries.


And absolutely not!!! That was what my mom used to call me when I was super small. Cheeks :P




It's going to be ok, Dear. :* I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you and I've taken that week off to take care of you!!! :lol:



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