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Status Updates posted by Multiverse

  1. Ah, yes - technically, alive. Although I see why anyone might be in doubt. Nice to see you are too, though. =D

    (and yes I have, but only a few seconds ago =) )

  2. Booh!

    Admit it, I gave you a chok.


  3. Hey! Nice profile. You´re a dane - like me!

  4. Hey, you´re also into LU!

    Oh, and BTW, welcome to BZPower! =)

  5. Finally, somebody´s online!

  6. I just noticed something about your personal statement. By quoting Da Vinci, you´re reffering to Authority.

  7. Hi, and welcome to BZP. =)

  8. No, actually. =(

    Most of the stuff I´ve drawn lately ended up as only small sketches, since I´m suddenly busy writing something. =\

  9. WHUT? I wrote my post #1000, and I didn´t even notice it?

  10. Hey, you´re an awesome Moc´er.

  11. Heh, thank you so very much. Suppose I just needed to be remembered a bit. =J

  12. Nice name... To come up with that, you must´ve needed a Violently Funny Dictionary. As would I describe Snicket´s books. ;)

  13. Hi! Welcome to the community of BZPower! :)

  14. Cool! You like Artemis Fowl! =)

  15. Hello, PIC. Nice. Your initials spell the word "Pic".

  16. Hi. Are you danish? You know, because of the "Å" in your username.

  17. Hi there. ^^

    As so many others already said, welcome to BZP. =)

  18. Haaaaaappy birthday!

  19. ...And happy holidays to you!

  20. I welcome myself.


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