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Status Updates posted by Multiverse

  1. Oh, it´s persian? I should´ve noticed that. Of course, I´ll be very careful.

  2. Hey, awesome artist! You´re fantasticly talented, you know that?

    I guess you do. Anyways, you´re cool!

  3. Yup, absolutely. And randomness never hurts. ^_^

  4. I finally got around to read the new chapter. The end is quite good, it really made me wonder about what you´re planning for the next chapter. =)

  5. Oh, you´re Count Olaf? One of my favorite villains!

    I like Count Olaf, too.

  6. Hello. :)

    Welcome to BZP.

  7. You´ve got a new friend. :)

  8. No wait, you exist? That´s great news! =D

  9. I see. But I wouldn´t consider that a problem - anyone at this site would be able to give you a resumé of a character or part of the story. ;)

    If you need some info on a character you´re drawing, I for one will be ready to answer. =)

  10. Hi there! =)

    I think you should finish your comedy, then maybe start a new one. ;)

  11. Hellouw!

    Ø Ø


  12. Umm, what is BZPC, again? I can never remember the meaning of all those letters. =P

  13. Hm, I guess then we´d better comment in english.

  14. Hey, I´m from denmark too. You left me a comment. Why do you not post so much? Oh, and: Welcome!

  15. Well, thank you anyway. Most of the happy birthdays I´ve got so far were late, anyway. =)

  16. It wasn´t german, but danish.

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